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       "Miss Strange, a gentleman named Nate is here for you. Shall I inform him to wait in the lobby?" Jarvis asked you a few hours later.

     "That would be great Jarvis." You told the AI politely, getting up from your bed to grab what you needed before heading out for the night. "Got my purse, my wallet, my keys, my axe." You told yourself patting all the items as you vocally checked them off your mental list. "What else am I missing?" You looked around the room, knowing something was amiss, but not sure what. That's when you heard a gentle low purr coming from behind you.

        "My phone!" You explained gratefully taking the little device from Eclipse who held it gently in his mouth. "Thanks bud. Wouldn't want to be leaving without that. What if the team needs me?"

       Eclipse gave you a firm look and let out a tiny roar in protest.

       "I know they can handle themselves," you sighed, "but it's always nice to have back up." You could tell by the look your dragon was giving you he was not amused with this conversation.

      "Alright, I'm going." You replied with a sigh. "I don't know what time I will be back so don't wait up for me."


       That's how you found yourself with a group
of high school seniors in the middle of a ginormous reck center trying on ice skates.

        "It's so cool that you live with the Avengers." Nate was telling you as the two of you were lacing up your skates.

      When you found Nate in the lobby of the tower he was drooling over all the team's memorabilia. It took a while to convince him to leave the tower without a tour of it. Then on the car ride here all he would talk about was the team. Asking you questions about them and asking if he could get their autographs from you.

       You didn't hold it over his head. Nor did you blame him for his reaction. The Avengers were heroes, and celebrities. Of course people, especially a high school boy, were going to be awestruck by them.

      But you did wish Nate would ask you some questions. And, at least, pretended to be interested in who you were.

      "Yeah." You agreed with him, "it's pretty great living in the tower with the team."

       "Do you get fighting lessons from them too?" Nate asked excitedly.


       "That must be so cool."

       "It's actually not as cool as you would think." You answered him, as to which you got a confused look from Nate, and the other kids that were listening in on your conversation. "Natasha trains with me most of the time, the whole time it's just her kicking my butt and telling me about how, in the the field, the bad guys won't be taking it easy on me like she does. Even with almost three years of dragon rider training I'm not even close to the teams level of fighting. Most of the time I'm just a glorified punching bag."

Nate was about to say something more, probably about your team mates, but you cut him off by standing up. "Are you ready to hit the ice?" You asked your date, offering him a hand.

Nate took it and you hauled him to his feet. "Meet you guys out there." Nate called to the rest of the group before offering you his arm to you like a gentleman.

Ok. Maybe Nate wasn't as bad as you were originally thinking.

You took his arm with a grateful smile before the two of you walked off to the ice rink.

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now