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Eclipse showed up a few days later, as to which he got a very stern talking to. But all was forgiven. You knew he was just doing what he thought was best for you, and Loki seamed to have taken pride in the trust your dragon gave him, and because Eclipse trusted Loki so did the team, which was why he no longer needed to wear Stark's tech that limited his powers. Loki also seamed a lot more comfortable, relaxed, and confident around you as well. Which was good, the two of you had been friends for a few months now, and you were glad to see him happy, but, at times he almost seemed to relaxed around you. Like he somehow knew you had developed a small crush on the god.

      You hopped not.

     That would be really embarrassing.

Life went back to normal fairly quickly. Your body healed itself by the end of the week, making you beyond happy when Bruce finally took your arm out of its cast. School was back to normal after homecoming. The only thing different with school was you were actively avoiding Nate. The two of you hadn't talked once after the unwanted kiss he gave you when you were running out the door. But that was ok with you. Maybe if you just ignored that it happened you would forget about it?

Nate hadn't even tried texting you.

Which, again, you were perfectly ok with.

      Maybe Nate realized he had overstepped and was also trying to forget about that night? Maybe he felt bad and knew you didn't want to talk to him so he was giving you your space? Whatever the reason, you were glad you didn't have to deal with any kind of drama.

       "(Y/n)!" Tony called you when you got back from one of your long weekend flights. "You have dragon mail."

     You walked into the tower from the balcony, Eclipse fallowing close behind like he always did, to see what Tony was taking about. Sure enough there on the counter was a Terrible Terror with a letter strapped to one of his claws.

Terrible Terrors were one of the species of dragons that were small. Growing no larger than a medium sized dog. They were usually a light green dragon with yellow eyes, though they could also come in yellow, purple, orange, and sometimes even pink. They hunted in packs in the wild, teaming up on unsuspecting dragons and Dakarians to steal their food. The domesticated ones however, were trained to deliver mail. Terrible Terrors had an amazing sense of direction, and even though they are part of the Stocker Class these little dragons could track down almost anyone. Which made them perfect for delivering mail across worlds.

      The Terrible Terror was looking up at Tony as he tried to eat his sandwich. Then it pounced. "No this is mine." Tony exclaimed as the little dragon tried to take his sandwich from him, locking its jaw around the food as it beat its little wings as fast as it could. "(Y/n)! Get this dragon under control." Tony growled, not giving up his precious sandwich to the little terror.

      You chucked, walking over to the two of them. "You just gotta know how to ask." You told Tony as you reached up, scratching the Terrible Terror under its chin. The dragon began to purr then it released the sandwich from its grasp. "See?" You asked Tony as you cuddled the little dragon close to your chest. "Every dragon has a pressure point that makes them drop whatever item it is you want them to drop. In this case it was a sandwich."

"Just..." Tony groaned, "control the dragons. Yeah?" And with that he walked off, probably to one of his many labs.

"Don't let him get you down." You told the little dragon as you scratched it behind its head, making it purr. "He's not an animal person." You walked over to the fridge and pulled out a small raw fish. "Here's a treat." You told the Terrible Terror, handing him the fish. The Terrible Terror didn't wast any time in gobbling down the fish. It purred when the fish was eaten, nuzzling you in thanks.

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now