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    With the elephant out of the room, the team turned their attention to you. They asked you how your mission had gone. You had been gone for three whole months, after all, they were curious. You told them that it went well and that you got all the dragons back where they are supposed to be. They then insisted that you needed to get a medical exam, to make sure you did not get yourself injured in any way. They told you it was because with Loki coming to live in the tower they wanted you to be at your top physical game to defend yourself in case things turned south. You knew them too well, however, and you knew it was because they didn't trust you when you told them that you didn't get hurt on your mission. You had a reputation for hiding whatever weaknesses you had. And that included injuries.

    After your medical checkup, where the only thing the doctor did was patch up a few mild wounds you were free to go. You spent the day with Thor, picking out his brother's room as he told you stories of him and his brother when they were children. You and Thor pick the room across from yours to be Loki's. You were already willing to give Loki a second chance, and Thor thought that if Loki could make friends with anyone in the tower it would be you.


    The week of getting ready for Loki to move in went by relatively fast. You and Thor decorated Loki's room. Thor told you that Loki loved to read, so you and Thor made sure he had a whole room full of books. Loki's bedroom had bookshelves lining the walls, each one stuffed with books. His bedroom reminded you more of a library than a bedroom. Most of the books were Loki's favorite from Asgard that Thor brought to Earth for his brother. You also pick out a few Midgardian books that you thought Loki would enjoy. Things like Shakespeare, and Harry Potter.

    Loki also had a four-post king-sized bed, with a forest green comforter and white bed sheets. It wasn't the most glamorous, but it would suffice. There was a little sitting area with a nice fluffy fur rug and big squishy lounge chairs by an electronic fireplace. By his bed there was a nightstand with pictures of Loki and Thor from when they were growing up, there was also a lamp. There were two other doors in his room, one leading to his connected bathroom, and the other leading to his walk-in closet. Last of all there was a big window that took up almost a whole wall looking out onto New York City. A view even a god could approve of.

    "What if Loki doesn't like it?" Thor asked you when he was looking over Loki's finished room.

    You looked up from where you were sitting on the bed. Thor was low-key stressed out. Pacing the room and cleaning up the already spotless room. "Calm down Thor." You told him calmly, "From what you told me about your brother I can guarantee you that when he sees this room, the room you spent so much time and effort into making it perfect for him, he will tell you that he hates it."

    "Wow," Thor told you, looking at you like you had just slapped him in the face, "that was not what I thought you were going to say."

    You shrugged, "That's what's going to happen." You told Thor simply. "But I can also guarantee that he will secretly love it. He just won't ever tell you."

    Thor chuckled softly at that, "are you sure you have never met my brother before?" Thor teased you, "you seem to know him quite well."

    You dramatically flipped your hair, "it's a gift." You told Thor with all the sarcasm you could muster. Thor just shook his head at you, an amused smile playing on his lips. "Come on," you told Thor getting up, "I'm hungry. Let's go find something to eat."


The day finally came. Loki would be arriving today, and that had everyone on edge. Tony was double and triple-checking the tower's security. Natasha and Clint were intimidatingly cleaning their weapons in the living room, both of them looking like they were about ready to kill someone. Cap was going over all the backup plans, in case things turned south. And Bruce had on his headphones as he listened to opera music trying to stay calm.

You on the other hand couldn't have been more bothered by Loki's upcoming arrival. You had never met Loki before so you had nothing to be intimidated about. Sure he was a god, and he did try to take over the world, but other than that he didn't seem too scary to you. Then again, you have been described as stupidly brave before. That's when no one can decide whether you are fearless or if you are just really stupid. Working with giant fire-breathing reptiles does that to a person.

So there you were, just chilling on your couch, playing on your phone, with absolutely no care in the world, waiting for Thor to get back with his brother. You knew logically, in your head, that some small part of you should have been at least a tiny bit anxious. This man had killed people before. But so has everyone else in
this tower. Heck, you had killed before.

      The elevator dinged, announcing the brothers' arrival. Everyone looked to the elevator, the tension growing, as everyone waited for what was to come.

      "My friends!" Thor bellowed in his usual jolly tone as he stepped out of the elevator followed by his brother. "It is good to see you all here."

       "Where else would we be?" Tony asked Thor nonchalantly, trying to look calm and unfazed by a certain unwanted trickster in his tower. If you hadn't known Tony better you would have thought he didn't care about having Loki here. But you did know him better, and you knew he was extremely intimidated by the god. He just wouldn't let it show.

      "Knowing you Stark I would have thought you would be in your lab with your toys," Thor responded jollily. He knew Tony and the rest of the team were intimidated by Loki but he would never betray their trust by telling Loki as much.

       "I'm Steve Rogers, otherwise known as Captain America." Cap introduced himself to Loki, who was looking like he did not want to be there. Loki had on some thick iron shackles that went around both wrists. He also had on a hunter-green tunic and black leggings like pants. Though with the different style of clothing, it was obvious that it was from Asgard.

"I have met your idiotic friends before," Loki growled at Thor in a bad mood. "Or have you forgotten that already?"

"You have met most of my friends before." Thor corrected, choosing to ignore the fact that Loki had just called the whole tower idiotic. "This is the lady (y/n). She is the newest member of the Avengers." Thor told his brother indicating to where you were currently sitting watching all the drama unfold.

You stood up from your couch making your way over to the two brothers. "It's nice to meet you Loki." You greeted him formally. "If there is ever anything I can do for you that can make your stay more comfortable all you need to do is ask." You told him. "The request has to be within reason."

"Obviously," Loki repeated sounding bored of this conversation.

"Let me show you to your room brother," Thor told Loki, clapping him on the back and steering him off in the direction of his room.

Yep... this was going to be so much fun.

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