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Eclipse dived down as fast as he could, trying to get to Bones before he hurt someone.

It was understandable as to why Bones was so upset. He had been locked up for gods know how long, and had a torture device in bedded into his skin. You didn't even want to think about what else Hydra had done to him.

But you still couldn't let him kill anyone. Especially since he was in full out battle mode. He could accidentally hurt one of your team mates or the SHEILD agents.

     Or they could hurt him out of self defiance.

No. Even though you didn't really care if the Hydra scientist lived or died you couldn't let Bones go into a full out killing spree. It was way do dangerous. Especially as they were near by the people you actually cared about.

       Bones landed in front of the group of scientists, growling menacingly at them with the intent to kill. He opened his mouth, getting ready to breath fire when Eclipse gave him a waring shot, hitting the ground in front of the dragon, stopping Bones for a quick second.

        You and Eclipse landed right in the middle of the two parties, keeping yourself in between the people in need of protecting and the dragon in need of calming.

      You slid off of Eclipse's back, cradling your broken arm to your chest as you stepped towards Bones slowly, gently. In order not to spook him.

      "Keep everyone back bud." You told your dragon, your voice calm and even as you reached for the calm inside you, bringing it to the surface to share. "We don't want anyone messing this up."

        Eclipse gave a gentle roar in agreement, turning to face the people. He growled at the scientist and SHIELD agents, opening his massive black wings to herd them away and out of harms way.

        "(Y/n)!" You faintly heard Loki yell, wanting to get to you. To make sure you were ok. But you couldn't pay attention to him right now. Eclipse would take care of Loki and keep him away for the time being. Bones was more important at the moment.

       Bones growled at you, glaring at you to let him through.

      "Shhhh... Shhhh." You hushed him gently, your eyes glowing purple as your power began to come forth, sending out a calming sensation to the agitated dragon, as well as everyone around you. "I know, I know. But you're safe now."

       Bones looked down at you, his eyes dilating slightly as he began to calm down, your power washing over him like a warm blanket. Bones's eyes slowly glanced over at the retreating scientists, trying to decide weather or not to let your power calm him the rest of the way or not.

"Look at me Bones." You cooed softly. "Let me help you."

Bones looked back over at you, lowering his ginormous head and purring like an over grown cat.

You raised your uninjured arm up, reaching out a kind, gentle hand for him. You then closed your eyes and tuned your head away from him, showing him that you trusted him not to hurt you.

Sending out another pulse of power Bones finally succumbed to your calming power. He dropped his head all the way, placing in nose in the palm of your hand. He closed his own eyes and purred, finally calming all the way down.

"There you go." You told him gently, opening your still purple eyes to look at him. "I knew you would come around. Let's get you back home before I collapse from exhaustion."

Calming a dragon down with your own power was one of the fastest ways to subdue them. And it was also one of the more safer ways. But it took up a lot of power. There was also the fact that the angrier the dragon the more power it would eat up. And Bones was extremely angry. You could already feel the tiredness seeping into your bones.

You also couldn't calm a dragon like this if there was any external force that was causing them pain in anyway, shape, or form.

"Eclipse," you called to your dragon. "Let's get this guy back the Dakarus."


       After you found Bones the perfect abandoned wild dragon grave yard on Dakarus you went back to the tower to get some much needed first aid.

        Your arm had swollen up to three times it's  natural size. You were unable to move it, and even the slightest touch to it made it hurt like you got Changwing acid poured into your arm.

         Eclipse landed on the balcony right outside the living room. The warm lights of the tower glowing softly. Welcoming the two of you home.

        Loki came running out the moment he saw that you had returned. "(Y/n)!" He called out, coming over to your limp, exhausted form, slouched over on Eclipse's back. Loki shook you gently, trying to rouse you enough to get you a little coherent. "Love, are you alright?"

You looked up at him with exhaustion in your eyes, sill laying on the top of your dragons head not wanting to move. Everything hurt.

Your muscles hurt.

Your bones hurt.

Your brain hurt.

Even your hair hurt.

All you wanted to do was sleep. Sleep sounded good. And maybe, when you woke up you would feel better. After all, there was nothing a nap couldn't fix.

"I think- used much power." You mumbled to Loki, your tired brain making talking, or even thinking for that matter, very difficult. "I'ma just go sleep now."

"You can't go to sleep now love." Loki told you patiently, gently. "You need to go to the medical bay first."

You muttered something incoherent at him and closed your eyes to go to bed.

Loki wasn't the boss of you. If you wanted to sleep you would. There was nothing he could do about it.

Eclipse looked up at Loki with pleading eyes. Asking for the god's help.

Loki sighed in exasperation, though he didn't really mean it, as gently as he could, lifted you up into his arms.

You made a pained whimpering noise when he accidentally moved your injured arm. Needles of pain ripping through it the moment it was moved.

"Shhhh." Loki soothed gently, holding you secure to his chest, bridal style. "I've got you." He positioned your injured arm in the most comfortable way he could, looking over it as he did. "We'll get that looked at." Loki told you, though you were too out of it to really hear what he was saying. You were just happy to be safe in his strong arms. And he smelled good. Like mint and old books. Which was a wired combination, but it smelled good all the same.

Eclipse gave Loki a little roar, gesturing out to the night sky.

Loki smiled, amazed that he actually understood what your dragon was trying to tell him, "I understand Eclipse." He told your dragon gently. "Go check on your fellow Night Furys, (y/n) is safe in my care."

Eclipse nodded, giving Loki a truly thankful look before flying out into the night sky. Giving Loki his full trust.

       Loki smiled to himself as he held you close. Eclipse trusted him. Truly trusted him. Loki. The god of lies and mischief. And Loki's heart warmed at the thought. He would not squander this trust.

      You mumbled something about how stars were just glitter that was thrown up into the night sky, so Loki decided that it was time to bring you to the medical bay so the medical staff could look you over and get you patched up.

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now