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Once you got back the the tower you quickly placed the offending agents into the towers containment cells. You noticed all the other agents you and Loki had taken out were there as well. All of them looking a little worse for were.

       You wondered briefly as to how they got into the containment cells. They certainly wouldn't have placed themselves inside. So you just assumed this was Loki's doing.

       You sure hoped he was still in the tower.

After you gave them a few threats, and scolded them for being so stupid for trying to take you and Loki on in the Avengers tower, you left to hopefully to go find Loki.

        You dropped your confident manner when no one could see you and ran to the elevator. "Come on." You mumbled as it began to take you up to the roof, where you last left Loki. "Can't you go any faster?"

The elevator finally took you all the way to the roof and you ran out. "Loki?" You called as you looked around. But no one answered. No one seemed to be there.

Eclipse flew to the top of the roof. He didn't fit inside the elevator so he had to use the roof, balconies, and the giant open windows that were made just for him.

"Have you seen Loki?" You asked Eclipse, teetering on the edge of panic. Loki was your main priority, not catching the bad guys. Why did you think it was a good idea to fly off after them?

Eclipse gave you a small roar. Looking up at you with concern. He didn't know who you were looking for. He had never even met Loki before.

"We need to find him." You told Eclipse urgently, as you climbed onto his back. "He was my responsibility."

Eclipse may not have known who you needed to find, but he did know this was important to you. He nodded then jumped off the side of the tower, gliding down to the balcony that was connected to the living room.

You didn't even wait for Eclipse to land. Once he got close enough for you to jump off you did. You landed on your feet and ran inside. "Loki!?" You yelled again scanning the ginormous living room.


"Loki!?" You tried again. This time jogging through the room, searching for him.


"I'm right here." Came and annoyed voice from the kitchen.

You ran over to the kitchen to see Loki peacefully leaning on the counter enjoying his pizza you made for him. He was back into his comfortable Asgardian tunic, with no more but a few scratches from the previous fight.

Once you saw him you physically sagged with relief. "You scared me." You told him as you gave yourself a chance to breath.

Eclipse came up behind you to see who you were so worried over.

"I thought you left." You told him. "Then I would have to explain how I lost a whole god. That conversation would not have gone over well."

         "I couldn't have left." Loki told you, his voice cold and calm. You looked at him confused as to what he meant.

         Of course he could have left. He had his power back. He could literally teleport away, never to be seen again. He didn't even want to be here in the tower.

        "Something has sparked my interest." Loki supplied, though he was annoyed that he had to explain anything to you. "I did not have any knowledge that the Avengers had a pet dragon."

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now