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Your eyes turned purple as you called for your power. The power you had gained the day Eclipse chosen you as his rider.

You never liked using your power, it hurt. You weren't Dakarian, you were human, and humans weren't built to handle a dragon's power.

Dakarians on the other hand were build for such strain. They were the people who lived on Dakarus, the home of the dragons, and the planet of the dragons riders. You had been there multiple times, heck you were an honorary citizen there, but that didn't change what you were.

The power started in your gut as a warm gentle glow, but soon began to burn you from the inside. Your body wasn't made to handle such power, if you used too much of it, or if you held it for to long, you could die.

You summoned a purple plasma ball of fire, the fire of your dragon, and threw it at the intruders.

They scrambled out of the way, not wanting to get hit by your oncoming attack.

     Your ball of fire hit the ground as it exploded, burning and sending the attacking solders flying.

      You then reached for your dragon, calling him with your unbreakable connection. "Eclipse!" You called out loud, as you felt for him, for his power.

      You heard his roar in your mind as he verified that he heard you and that he was coming.

       "Stay out of harms way." You told Loki firmly, picking up a big sharp pice of broken glass from the cups that got smashed against the ground when you knocked over the coffee table.

       You didn't have any weapons on you at the moment so a shard of broken glass was the best you could get right now.

       You didn't wait for Loki to answer before jumping over the table to attack the agents while they were down and confused. You sliced at one with your shard of glass, cutting his arm fairly deep in the proses. Two came up and grabbed your upper arms to try and take you down, but yelled out in pain the moment they touched you. Your skin so hot that it burnt straight through the think gloves they had on leaving the palms of their hands full of blisters.

     You turned, punching both in the face back to back. Your fist melting the thick goggles they had, they screamed in pain again as they crumbled to the ground clutching onto their faces.

      Another man had come to take you down, but before he could hit you Loki had thrown a small dagger at him, impelling him in the throat, killing him instantly.

      You looked from the man at your feet with a dagger in his throat before looking over to Loki who had decided to join the fight against your wishes.

       He had on his Asgardian style armor, though it was different from his battle of New York armor you had always imagined him in. This armor was much more simplistic, mostly black leather with a forest green cape and his signature horned helmet. Though his helmet was also different. It wasn't quite a helmet, with it only covering the front of his head. You wondered briefly how it stayed it place.

      The man with the gun pointed at you quickly kicked you out of your thoughts and back to the battle.

      You and Loki were severely out numbered, even though you and him had already taken down four of the fifteen men here. You couldn't keep your power up for much longer, and you didn't know how much damage Loki could do with his powers bounded by Tony's device around his wrist.Eclipse also wasn't an option. He was too far away to reach you in time to help. That only left one option. One stupid ass option.

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now