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Your first week of school was remarkably uneventful. All of your classes were going to be super easy, just like you planed, and there were no emergencies for you or the Avengers to tend to.

     So you spent your time how you wanted. Which was you doing absolutely nothing.

      It felt good to do nothing every once and awhile. You were always so busy with your dragon rider and avenger responsibilities that you hardly ever had time for yourself.

      You decided that the best way to befriend Loki was to take it slow. So he didn't feel like you were pushing yourself onto him. When you saw him alone you would try to start up a calm happy conversation with him. He would usually just make cruel remarks and try to get on your nerves. You never let it bring you down though.

       One night you made chocolate chip cookies, you hadn't seen Loki all day so you left a plate by the door for him. Just to show him that someone cared.

     He didn't take it though. Not trusting the team.

     It was finally the weekend and the team had gotten called out on a mission. They were leaving you and Loki at the tower though.

     They didn't trust Loki to be on missions yet, and they wanted you to stay behind to keep an eye on him.

      "Here." Tony told you as he handed you a small remote control. "In case he dose anything stupid press this button." He indicated to the remote. "He has a metal band on that limits his powers. It can also shock him to keep him in line."

     You scrunched you're nose up at that in disgust. Loki hadn't done anything while he was here in the tower to deserve that punishment. It just seemed so wrong to you. No way were you going to shock him.

      "Remember, your safety comes first." Tony told you firmly.

        "Yeah yeah yeah." You told him rolling your eyes. "I can handle myself. All of you should go save the world." You told the team who was waiting for Tony. "I got everything covered here."

         "If you need any backup just call." Cap reminded you. "One of us will come back as fast as we can."

        "I got it." You told them again. The team had adopted you as part of their family. With you being the youngest that meant you had a whole team of super people worrying over your safety at all times. They always seemed to think up the worst situation that could possible happen to you. Then they would constantly worry about it. "I can take care of myself," you reminded them, "now can you go save some people and stop worrying over me?"

      They all laughed at you before going up to the flight deck to leave.

You looked around the empty living room when they were gone. It felt lonely without everyone here, but they would be back soon. So there was no need to worry.

You grabbed your iPad, a blanket, and some lemonade before heading up to the roof. When you moved in you had set up some lounge chairs, a table, and an umbrella up on the roof. It was your one place to get away from everything.

You liked spending time with people, but you also liked the time spent by yourself. You could never tell if you were an introvert or and extrovert. Both applied to you.

You put in one of your ear phones as you lied on a lounge chair listening to music. You had to leave one out, incase someone needed something.

You must of dozed off some because the next thing you could remember was the sound of the roof door opening and closing some unknown amount of time later. You stopped your music looking over at who was coming up onto your roof.

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now