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      Just like predicted Loki did voice his distaste for the room he had been given. Telling Thor that it was pathetic and poorly  made. He then went on to tell Thor how inferior everything was compared to the luxuries they have on Asgard. And how his cell in the palace dungeons was more comfortable than his room in the Avengers tower.

Thor, despite his brothers negative attitude, was extremely happy about Loki living in the Avengers tower. He had high hopes that his brother would eventually come around. He wanted Loki to love the human race just like he did. He wanted to show his younger brother that other species were intelligent and respectable just like Asgardians. And the main part of Thor's plan to get Loki to like the humans was to make you Loki's friend.

This led to you getting yourself roped into extremely strange situations. Usually without your knowledge before hand. One time Thor tried to demonstrate how cool and strong humans could be. To try to show Loki that not all humans are weak and inferior beings.

How did he do this?

Well, he pick you up off your couch you were relaxing on and threw you over his shoulder. He then went out onto the balcony with you and promptly threw you off the side of the tower.

       What he was trying to show Loki? You had no idea.

       On the way down you yelled "I CAN'T FLY !!!!"

      Thor then remembered that Eclipse was off world, and he had just thrown you to your death. Luckily for the both of you Thor could fly on his own.

       He jumped off the tower and flew down to you as fast as he could. Saving you right before you hit the ground and became a human pancake.

        He flew you back up the side of the tower and set you down gently, back on your feet, on the balcony. Thor tried to apologize to you but you wouldn't let him. Instead you slapped him. Hard. Then stomped back inside the tower.

       This gave Loki a good laugh. But other than that didn't change Loki's mind about humans in the slightest. All he saw was his brother throw a helpless weak human off the tallest building in New York. Then save said human right after.

All of Thor's failed attempts to show Loki how cool humans can be were ruining your attempts to actually get to know the younger god and become friends with him. Every time you tied to do something nice for Loki you were greeted with snarky remarks. They were usually about one of the latest incidents involving Thor.

You tried connecting with Loki over books. This failed miserably because he kept turning the conversation around on how you couldn't fly. Every other sentence that came out of his mouth was a reference to the time Thor yeeted you off the side of the tower.

You then tried making your favorite dessert for Loki. Thor told you Loki had a notorious sweet tooth, so you made 'better than anything cake' for him. This turned into him commenting on the time Thor brought a troll into your room for you to train.

Who trains trolls?

This however, turned into you running around the whole tower trying to catch the little guy. While he was in the tower he managed to steel everyone's socks. But only the left ones.

      What Thor was thinking with this one? You, again, could not say.

You trained dragons not trolls.

You even tried to talk to Loki during weapons training. This turned into Loki reminding you of the time Thor thought you were fire proof. That day did not end well.

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now