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      "What do you want to do now?" You asked Loki as the three of you walked out of the restaurant. It was his day out after all, it only made sense for him to choose.

"Anything that dose not require me to get back on your flying reptile." Loki told you dryly. Eyeing Eclipse warily as he said it.

"I thought you said you wanted to learn about dragons?" You asked Loki, placing a hand over your heart in mocked hurt.

"I did." Loki agreed with you. "However I would prefer to lean about them with both of my feet planted firmly on solid ground. I do not understand how you stay on your creature's back while he dose acrobatics in mid air."

You just laughed at Loki. "It is my one talent I must admit."

Loki just chuckled and rolled his eyes at you. You could be quite a handful when you wanted to be. Or if you just felt like it. Or if you didn't feel like it. Ok, so maybe you were just a handful constantly.

      "Seriously Loki, what do you want to do?" You asked him getting back to the issue at hand. You really hoped this wasn't going to turn into 'I don't know what do you want to do? I don't know what do you want to do?' You didn't think you could handle that.

      "Your the human here." Loki told you matter of factly. "You should know what is fun to do on this planet."

      "You're no help." You grumbled at Loki as he just laughed at you. You thought for a moment trying to think what would be fun for Loki to do. "You like to play pranks on your brother." You informed Loki, though you were mostly just talking to yourself. "But he's off on a mission. You like to read, but you've been doing that all week. You like sweets, but we just ate." You groaned as you thought over your options. "How do you feel about hikes?"


Loki did not like hikes. You found that out when he was asking how much further until the three of you reached your destination. To his credit you didn't care much for hikes either, but you loved this place you found when you were here with Eclipse.

       "You didn't want to fly there." You pointed out as you led your group further into the forest.

        "Yes," Loki agreed with you, "but I also didn't want to hike there." He grumbled as he walked behind you.

About ten minutes latter you reached your destination. It was a beautiful lake with a massive waterfall. You could climb up onto the rocks and jump off into the water. The trees came right up to the water. There was also a swing someone put up so you could swing and jump off into the water. There was one section that was a little clearing of nice soft green grass and flowers. The perfect seating aria.

      "I thought we could have some summer time fun before the weather remembered that it is almost fall." You told Loki a little shyly. This was your idea of a fun day and you could only hope he thought it was fun too.

Loki looked over the scenery and you could see him relax. "This is beautiful." Loki told you looking up at the massive waterfall. "Me and Thor used to go to places like this when we were children." Loki told you with a bit of nostalgia as he walked to the edge of the lake. He didn't see you fallow him or bend down and put your hand into the water until it was to late.

You smacked the water and splashed Loki,  darting away from the now wet god. Loki sputtered, not expecting you to do that before he turned on his heal to face you.

"You will regret that little mortal." Loki told you with a snarl in his words. But you could tell from his smile and glint of mischief in his eyes he wasn't really upset with you. You just started a game you had no hope of winning.

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now