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     Homecoming week was pleasant enough to keep you smiling, laughing, and not freaking out about the upcoming dance.

     Monday was dress as your favorite superhero day, and because you lived with a bunch of superheroes you decided to dress up as all of them. Because one; you could use their real clothes and weapons for your outfit. And two; because they would all get offended if you didn't choose them.

     So that day you had Cap's real shield strapped to your back, one of Nat's black SHIELD spy shirts, a pair of Bruce's glasses, one of Tony's harmless arc reactors strapped to your chest under your shirt, some of Clint's arrows in a thigh holster, Thor's red cape underneath Cap's shield, and Loki's golden oversized helmet from the battle of New York balancing on your head.

When you first walked in the door however, the first teacher that saw you sent you straight down to the principal's office. Saying that weapons were not allowed on school property.

After a quick conversation with the principal, and after you let her hold Cap's shield, she let you go about your day. It wasn't like you needed weapons to be dangerous, or cause destruction. You could do that with your bear hands. Plus you were an Avenger, if anyone could be trusted to handle weapons appropriately at school it would be you.

      Tuesday was paint the parking lot day. Every senior, jr, and some of the freshmen, got their own parking stalls to decorate. Everyone with a parking stall was given a number, every number was a stall. You would go find your parking stall with your number and paint it. That parking stall would be yours for the rest of the school year.

     It was a fun activity to do, as well as making the parking lots a little safer. With every parking space called for there was no need to duel for parking spaces before school with your car. This resulted in a lot less car recks in the school parking lot.

    Though you typically didn't drive to school Tony reserved a parking space for you anyway. You did drive sometimes, so might as well have a parking stall.

     Or at least that's what Tony told you.

     You were extremely pleased to be painting a parking stall though. Art was one of your hobbies, so it was extremely fun thinking up of ideas and finally putting them down on cement.

You got to work, kneeling down on the hard cool cement, in your old art clothes, and started to furiously apply the first undercoat of paint.

    You painted with your old art brushes, and occasionally your hands, not caring when you got paint all over yourself. Eclipse laid next you, watching as you attacked the ground with bright colors.

    Blending the whites, pinks, purples, blues, oranges, and even a bit of green together to crate the beautiful seen of being up in the clouds at sunset. Flying up through the giant, fluffy, sunset colored clouds was a pitch black Nightfury dragon.

"Done." You breathed, taking a step back and whipping your hair back out of your face with your forearm, to admire your work. You were splattered head to toe in paint, but you didn't care. That was part of the fun with art.

"What do you think?" You asked Eclipse, gesturing to the painting with your paint soaked hands.

Eclipse stood up and came over. He stared at the painting for a few seconds before purring his liking for it.

    "I'm glad you like it." You smiled at your dragon. "It took me four hours to paint."

     Eclipse purred again, not knowing what you were talking about, but he did know you were happy and that was all that mattered at the moment.

    You looked around the parking lot. There were a few more students around but not a ton, most of the kids had gone home after an hour or two. Now the only kids that were still here were the "artsy" kids.

     You packed up your art supplies before walking around the mostly empty lot with Eclipse. It felt like a fun little art show. It was always a blast to see everyone's creativity and talent (or lack of talent.)

    Paintings of cars, the school's mascot, favorite football teams, and even people's favorite superheroes filled the parking lot.

    "Cap would love to see this one." You laughed to Eclipse, pointing at a parking stall with a picture of Cap's face in it surrounded by hearts. It obviously belonged to a love sick teenager.

    "Indeed he would." Responded a silky smooth British voice with a slight smirk.

    You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound of someone speaking to you. You weren't expecting an answer.

    You whipped around so fast that you felt a muscle pull in your neck.

    There, standing a few feet behind you was the god of mischief himself. He was in his forest green Asgardian tunic and black pants. His jet black hair was slicked back out of his face. He stood there with a relaxed smirk on his face, like he had just seen something amusing on his stroll around the park.

    "Loki." You breathed, placing a hand on your chest to try and clam your racing heart. "You can't just sneak up on me like that. Gosh!"

    "Sorry love, I didn't mean to frighten you." Loki apologized trying in vain to hold back his laughter.

    You rolled your eyes at your trickster friend, but couldn't help let out a small chuckle at yourself. It was kinda funny.

    "What are you doing here?" You asked him earnestly, generally confused as to why, or more importantly, how he got to your school. "Aren't you on house arrest..? Or I guess in your case... tower arrest? How did you even get here?"

    Loki chuckled to himself, shaking his head in amusement. "I, my dear, am not here." He answered, still amused that he was the only one who knew what he was talking about.

    You gave Eclipse a questioning look, wondering if he was understanding any of this. But by the puzzled look on his face you could tell he had no clue what was going on as well. It was like Loki just appeared out of thin air.

    "This is merely an illusion.""Loki explained after he had his fun watching the two of your's udder confusion. "I, am not allowed out of the tower. Yes. But my illusions are fair play."

   "So this is just an illusion?" You asked Loki curiously as you stuck your hand out to feel his clothing.

    Loki took a step back out of your reach before your hand made contact with his illusion. "I appreciate your curiosity, love. But my powers are still restricted. If you are to touch my illusion it will vanish."

    "Oh. Sorry." You apologized, dropping your hand out of embarrassment.

    "It's quite alright." Loki reassured you kindly.

    "But why are you here illusion Loki?" You asked him. It wasn't like him to just drop by. Even as an illusion. It must have been tricky for him to make an illusion this far away from the tower. Especially with his powers restricted.

    "You did not come home yet." Loki told you simply. "It's been four hours since you were supposed to come back. I was worried something happened."

    You blushed at that. A little flattered that he would cared enough to come and check on you. "Thanks for your concern Loki. I'm just here looking at everyone's paintings." You gestured around at the parking lot before turning back to him. "Would illusion you like to join us?"

    "It would be my pleasure." Loki replied formally.

    You smiled up at him and began to lead him around the lot, discussing about all the different paintings.

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now