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        "She will be perfectly fine." You heard a female voice explain to someone softly. "Though she will be out of it for a while. Nothing too bad however. She just used up a lot of power so she will be a little loopy, loose lipped, tired, and extremely sore, but that's about it."

       "And her arm?" A honey smooth British accent asked.

      "Will be fully healed in a few weeks time." The female voice assured the male voice. "But she should be extremely careful with that arm. If not for Stark's advance medical equipment it would have had to be amputated. Both the radius and the ulna bones were shattered nearly beyond repair."

       "But she will be fine?" The male voice asked.

      "She will be 100% fine in a few weeks if she takes it slow and let's her body heal." The female voice confirmed.

      You heard the male sigh in relief before he gave a low chuckled. "Now love." He chided. "I know your listening."

You groaned, blinking up at the white ceiling, trying to get your foggy brain working again.

      Loki helped you sit up, handing you a glass of water, and propping you up with the pillows, while the female doctor handed him some medication, telling him when to give it to you. Assuming correctly that you were too out of it at the moment to understand what she was saying.

        "Take her down to the living room and have her eat something. Then she should get some more sleep." The doctor was telling Loki as she was getting ready to go check on some other things that needed her attention. She knew you were going to be fine and Loki had all the information he needed to help you.

Loki thanked the doctor politely, escorting her out of the room like the perfect gentleman he was. He was a prince after all. Being a gentleman was part of the package. Even if he liked to cause chaos sometimes.

"That's water." Loki told you with a smile as he watched you poke at the ice cubes in the glass with interest. "You're supposed to drink it."

"No!" You scolded him, rolling your eyes at the silly god. "It's ice. You can tell because..." you lost your train of thought in the middle of the sentence, looking over at the bright window that illuminated the room. You felt your gut turn and your heart speed up. Something wasn't right.

        Loki came over, sitting down elegantly in the chair that was set up by your bed. He looked over your expression, looking into your eyes noting something that somewhat resembled fear was in them. "How are you feeling?" Loki asked gently, trying to finger out what was wrong.

       You looked over at him, your brain trying desperately to figure out what was missing. Something was missing, but your mind was overflowed with the after affects of using so much of your power in such a short amount of time. You couldn't think clearly through the fog that clouded your mind. "Something's missing-" you told him absently with only a hint of fear in your voice, the after affects of your power numbing most, if not all of your emotions.

       It was your body's way of healing itself after such a large surge of power. Calming a dragon with power was no small feat. Calming a pissed off dragon was even more difficult and power draining. Being a human the dragon's power that flowed through your veins would, and did, burn you from the inside when used. So your body figured out a way to heal itself extremely fast.

        After a large surge of power your body would knock you out. Sending you into a deep sleep to restore some of your power that you had used, changing it into some kind of calming/numbing power. When you woke up the power your body had just made would be used as a sedative. Overflowing your senses to make you calm and relaxed while the rest of your power would  began to fix itself from the inside out. Repairing your burned insides with such speed and force that it would be excruciatingly painful if not for the numbing.

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora