Chapter Twenty Six

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It's Xavier's birthday tonight and I'm baking him a cake.

I found out after Zack talked to Blair and me—originally he was talking to us about Nolee—Hudson is throwing a party for Xavier's birthday and when I asked what cake he's getting, he said he hadn't yet so I took the opportunity to bake one for him. I asked the two boys what flavor he likes and I was told chocolate ice cream cake.

So chocolate ice cream cake is what I'm making. There aren't many ingredients but making it is a lot more difficult—it's my first time making it. I'm nearly finished with only fruits and the layer of ice cream to add.

Baking and cooking in general, I love it. I've learned a lot from my mom and she bakes the best cookies in the world. Cooking/baking, much like graphic design and reading, helps me relax and escape the real world when need be. I began distracting myself with it in high school, especially after what Colton started. I'm in my own little world filled with tasty aromas and sugary treats.

Xavier's present is my favorite part of his birthday. I can't wait for him to see it. I had a dilemma when buying it because I didn't know which one to get but the one I chose, is perfect for him.

"What you making?" Blair slides in our kitchen with a blue glittery dress with a face looking like it belongs on Euphoria.

"Chocolate ice cream cake." I brush some chocolate off the pink apron I'm wearing.

Blair steals a raspberry, popping it into her mouth.


I hum with a smile.

I'm a simp. His name alone makes my heart flutter.

I can't wait for tonight. I can't wait for him to eat my cake and I can't wait to give him his present. Will he like it? What will he do with it? Is he going to like the cake? Will Xavier kiss me? Hug me? When I give him his cake and his present. Oh god, I could get lost in his kisses. I just want him to kiss me for an eternity.

It's just not a kiss when he kisses, it's a moment. When he kisses me, he starts by cradling my face, then he intertwines his tongue with mine, creating this scorching hot sensation that even science can't create. It's like being on a cloud, while a shower of flower rain falls onto me and all I can hear is Right Here Waiting by Monica playing all around me.

"Nolee left for The Creek," Blair brings me out of my trance, "Zack's racing tonight so she's gone to tell him everything."

When Nolee left earlier, she looked so sad that I couldn't hold myself from hugging my bestie. I can't stand either Nolee or Blair being sad or hurt, they've been there for me in my darkest moments and I know how much I appreciated their hugs, their words, their laughs when they helped me so I want to do the same for them.

What they did for me, I could never repay them back for it.

"It's honestly a whole big misunderstanding and the fault of poor communication." I carefully put the raspberries on top of the cake as the finishing touch.

Hopefully, when the two talk it out and understand that it's all a misunderstanding, they'll be back to being disgustingly cute and frisky. I have a feeling why Nolee did what she did with Will. She's scared of Zack's reputation and she thinks he's not being sincere.

"Totally," Blair nods, munching on another raspberry, "If they had been clear with each other and their feelings, then we'd not have a best friend who is as gloomy as London's weather."

I laugh at her little simile.

Blair went to London a few summers ago and even though she went in the summer, it rained horrendously and the girl could not stop whining about it. She's still haunted by her vacation. Blair loves being in the sun, and her being in rain is like a vampire being in sunlight.

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