Chapter Sixty One

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Two days...

Two days have gone and I still feel like my heart had been ripped out of my body. I feel lost. Cold.

So fucking lonely.

And stupid.

I fell in love with a liar, a person who thought breaking hearts is fun. I guess he didn't lie about that.

Emptiness is what I felt for the first time when my dad passed away. It felt like a part of my soul had gone with him. But I quickly learned that I felt empty because I didn't have his love anymore.

And that's how I feel right now.


Ten thousand times more empty.

I lost a love too good to be true sadly.

How could the one I gave my heart to, break my heart so bad?

Cool, now I'm reciting song lyrics, ugh. 

To think my life was going so...perfect and then one night just tore all my happiness apart.

I've cried what's left of my pain and now I have nothing but pure anger writhing inside of me. It's making me feel so lost and I'm constantly fighting to choose a side with myself.

I'm mad at him but I also...miss him. Despite what happened and what he's done, I miss him so bad. And I'm so mad at myself for feeling like this because he doesn't deserve to be missed by me.

Putting my misery aside, I walk over to my bookshelf and search through it for my sketchbooks. My design show is coming up in one month before we break up for summer vacation. I want to take this time to concentrate on my work and myself.

This next part is going to hurt and it's going to be long but I have to do this for myself. No matter how much it hurts, I have to bear this pain.

Furrowing my brows, I grab my chair and stand on it to try to look on the top of my bookshelf for my sketchbooks but they're not there or in my tote bag or under my bed. Opening my bedroom door, I walk into the living room to search for them but yet again, they're nowhere to be found.

Where did I put them?

The last time I used them was—

Realization dawns on me and I groan. Trudging over to Nolee's bedroom, I knock on her door.

Of course, I left them there.

Ugh, this day can't get any worse. First, my period starts, meaning I'm in intense pain and now I can't even start my project without my sketchbooks.

The door opens and I expect to see Nolee but it's Zack and he's shirtless. Out of respect for my best friend, I keep my eyes on his face.

"Lia." He warmly smiles at me.

Then Nolee walks from behind him, stepping in front of him. Zack disappears, leaving me to talk to my best friend.

"Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt." I say with an embarrassed grimace.

"Don't be like that." Nolee sternly tells me off.

I feel bad because they were probably in the middle of something.

"Can you do me a favor, please?" I fiddle with the sleeves of my sweatshirt.


"I need my sketchbooks for my design show but I," I sigh tiredly, "I left them at, um, his place. Could you possibly get them for me, I don't want to—"

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