Chapter Seventy One

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The morning air is chilly and the sky is so gloomy. I'm thankful for being snuggled up in this huge bed, under these comfy sheets with a warm, strong arm encasing me like a teddy bear.

I exhale and study his veiny hands, his tanned skin, and a soft flutter swarm my belly. The way he touched me last night was downright unholy. And feeling him after so long felt surreal. I was exhausted and still wanted more but when he said those three words, I couldn't bear looking into his eyes so I fell asleep.

It's not that I don't want to say them back to him because god do I want to, every single time...but my heart is not working. It's still hanging on to that brutal little fact that we started as a lie.

Whatever we did, whatever we said was because we were a lie.

Yeah, along the road, he fell in love with me but he tainted my love story with a cruel intention. A cruel beginning.

Xavier tightens his arm around my middle and tugs me closer into his embrace, his warm breath fluttering on my naked back. A bittersweet shiver gushes through me, only leaving me cold.

Leaning up, Xavier moves me onto my back, his arm still resting around my waist. His eyes flicker between mine with something somber written all over his face. God, he looks so hot in the morning.

I hug the sheet close to my chest, my heart beating so rapidly. In fear? Nervousness? I don't know but I hate how downhearted I'm feeling.

"Why didn't you say it back?" Xavier quietly asks the question I've been dreading to hear.

My chest aches but I sigh, feigning indifference.

"It was just a casual fuck, Xavier. Don't treat it like we were making love." The lie tastes like poison on my tongue but I can't let him see my bleeding heart.

Not anymore.

Xavier's eyes narrow, darkening with hostility.

"Casual fuck, huh?"

A malicious smirk curls on his lips, his jaw hardening.

"What the fuck do you know about casual fucks? The only man you've ever been with is me. I'm the only one who's fucked you, Lia," gripping my cheeks so roughly with one hand that my cold composure falters then he gets in my face, "We don't fuck, Lia. We engrave each other's touch in our souls. And every time that I've been inside you, I've left my heart in the palms of your pretty little hands. So don't go telling me that what we did last night was fucking casual."

He shoves me away with a sinister sneer.

My breath catches in my throat at his aggressive touch. He's never touched me like that before. And I hate it.

I hate what I see in his eyes.

Yet, I lock up my heart, too afraid to get it more damaged.

"Please, you want me to believe that crap? Did you leave your heart out to all the girls you fucked before me?" Bitterly, I say.

Xavier stares at me with irritation, as if he can't understand who's in front of him.

"Did you decide to be a bitch when you woke up this morning or what?" He bites out.

The words hurt but it's what I need him to do.

It'll be so much easier for me if he hates me.

I smile, nastily.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?"

"Yeah, it's a fucking problem," he glares down at me with disastrous rage in his eyes, "I want my girl who would think twice before being a spiteful brat back."

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