Chapter Five

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I'm freaking out.

Why am I freaking out?

I shouldn't be freaking out. It's just a casual hang out with a friend. We're just going to eat sugary delights and talk about books, favorite music, movies—I don't know. Nothing more, nothing less.

It's Sebastian. It's just Sebastian.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I hold back from crying. I'm always comfortable in whatever I wear but tonight I'm feeling anxious because I'm hanging out with a boy. It's stupid to think that way but I've never experienced this before.

I'm wearing black baggy jeans, a pink short-sleeved button-up cropped-top, and black and white Chucks. Gathering my curly, long, chocolate-caramel hair into a mess and clipping it with a black hair clip. Few loose strands water-fall around my face. I have a little make-up on my face—mascara, blush, and mango-flavored lip balm.

"Yo, pipsqueak, let's go." Elijah hollers from downstairs. He's giving me a ride to Nature Berry.

Grabbing my phone, I rush down the stairs. Elijah is lazily waiting for me at the bottom of the steps. Mom walks out of the kitchen, with an apron on and a wooden spoon in hand.

"Lia, are you free tomorrow night?" Mom asks.

She thinks I'm hanging out with Nolee and Blair tonight. I couldn't tell her about Sebastian. If my mom found out I'm friends with a boy, she'd be choosing baby names in a flash.

"Yeah, why?"

"A very appreciative patient I nursed today asked me to dinner at his house."


"Ew mom, are you hooking up?" Nothing wrong with her hooking up. I love teasing my mom.

Mom nearly hurls the wooden spoon my way.

"Out of appreciation, he invited us. Christopher has a son starting at your school, we thought it'd be perfect for you two to get to know each other. Maybe you can be his first friend at Lake Bellevue."

This all sounds weird.

"I gotta go." I follow Elijah out to his car and within seconds we're heading to Nature Berry. Elijah is going back to his college so he's lucky he can't make it to this dinner thing with mom's patient.

"Who is this Sebastian guy?" Elijah asks absentmindedly as he taps away on his phone whilst driving.

This bitch has no concern for my life.

"He plays baseball for Lake Bellevue—get off your phone, you idiot." I smack his phone out of his hand making him focus on the road.

Elijah is not amused.

"Is he a total dreamboat?" Elijah bats his eyelashes like a girl flirting.

I roll my eyes.

"Ooh, Sebastian. Kiss me, Sebastian."

"Elijah!" I smack his arm as he laughs.

Blues welcomes us.

"Don't be late," Elijah calls out as I climb out, "Otherwise mom will bury me alive."

"If dreams came true." With my sarcastic remark, I close his car door and grin to myself.

Nature Berry is a popular, regular spot for Lake Bellevue University students, thriving with zestfulness and good food, Nature Berry is like our own little Central Perk

Inside, Nature Berry is a warm cluster of browns and old wood. Everything from the tables, booths, lights, and table condiments is a shade of brown. There's a small section to the back where two huge bookshelves make a cozy corner.

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