Chapter Eighteen

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Professor Leto is from another world. Emailing everyone in his classes to announce that he'll be carrying out an experimental, fun night class in the Planetarium. What the ever-loving fu—actually this might be super fun. Late-night studying is always soothing. For a better vision, the fantasy genre we're doing perfectly matches the mood of the night.

With excitement bubbling in my stomach, I walk inside the Planetarium, Blair, and Nolee bickering behind me.

Nolee is mad at Blair because Blair slept with Hudson.

Blair's confession had come as a surprise. I made sure that she knew what she had done and that she didn't regret it—which she didn't. Blair is emotionally strong, something Nolee and I lack in.

Nolee was and is still mad because knowing Hudson and his flavorful ways, she's worried that Blair might fall for his player ways and get a broken heart. Blair laughed and waved it off, blabbering on how she's not emotionally attached to the boy and saw the night as a casual hookup and nothing else.

Blair is free to do anything she wants, as her best friends, Nolee, and I make sure she's protected and unhurt because if we ever find out a guy has hurt even her baby hairs, he's a dead man walking. We trust her and that's the best thing support you can give in a friendship.

"Hudson, of all people," Nolee groans in disappointment, glaring her honey eyes at the socialite, "Jesus, Blair."

We stop in the doorway of the Planetarium, room already filled with students.

Blair rolls her eyes, looking everything of exasperated.

"It was mindless recklessness, we both got caught up in the moment. It was stupid but nevertheless fun," Blair is nonchalant with her annoyance, "I don't regret it and I'm not dumb. I know his reputation and I don't care. One night of fucking will not change anything in our friendship or me."

Nolee looks at her best friend in a mixture of emotions, annoyance, worry, and understanding. Nolee has never got under Blair's skin before when it came to other guys but knowing Hudson, I'm guessing Blair has gotten herself in a complicated situation.

Blair doesn't get attached to her hook-ups but she's friends with Hudson and she's a girl. I'm not trying to be the elephant in the room but Blair could easily fall for Hudson and if that ever happens and the boy ends up hurting her, Blair is going to be heartbroken.

And as her best friends, we can't have her heartbroken. First and foremost, I will kill Hudson dead, Nolee will have him disappeared from planet earth.

"We're just looking out for you, Blair." I softly tell her, rubbing her arm.

Blair looks at us with so much love and care and appreciation.

"I know and I love you guys for it," she smiles, "Just trust me with this."

"We do." Nolee hugs her.

I wander my eyes around and they lock onto Colton's icy blue eyes.

Last night was a disaster. I want Colton to realize what he's trying to do. How wrong it is to confess his love for me when all he's ever done is hurt me. The Colton I remember is a bully with mean words and hurtful gestures but the Colton I'm seeing ever since he's come back is someone who is as innocent as a baby, with nothing but selfishness and care.

B, meet S.

"What is Professor Leto on, trying to teach a night class." Nolee grumbles like Garfield the Cat.

"I love the idea." I smile like a kid in Disneyland.

"Sounds disastrous but who doesn't love drama." Blair shrugs with an amused grin on her glossy lips.

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