Chapter Seventy Seven

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I can't do it.

I can't hurt myself in the process of hurting him. And hurting him...I don't want to do that again.

Who am I kidding? No other guy can make my heart flutter as he can. It's like I'm bewitched by his love, completely at his mercy as his puppet. And no part of me hates that.

Theo is charming with his laid-back personality and warm, boyish smiles but he does nothing for me. My heart doesn't pound like it's witnessing a shooting star. His smiles don't send warmth down my body. He's not him.

I shouldn't be comparing them but I can't help it.

He's ruined me.

In every bittersweet way.

Theo and I stroll down the beach lost in conversations about Hawaii and art. Endearingly, he's a sculptor and when he tells me, I can't stop gushing. I love the art of sculpting and I appreciate sculptors so much because of how much time and passion they put into carving something so solid into unimaginable forms.

Whilst he talks about sculpting, my mind drifts into the gutter, and wonders how his hands would feel on my body. Would he touch me like he sculpts clay? With soft, yet strong caresses? Would rough? Be dirty with his words? Bring out the deprived bitch inside me?


I really need to get laid.

Either by someone or myself.

To distract my dirty mind, I ask him about baking because he mentioned earlier about baking with his mom, and to his adorable bashfulness, Theo reveals that he loves baking. And he promises to bring me some of his cookies for me to taste.

He's a hot and adorable combo but I can only see him as a friend. There's no spark between us. At least on my side. I'm not stupid not to notice the way Theo has been looking at me the whole night. Those lingering stares carry a lot of weight to them but the weird thing is, I'm not uncomfortable with them. 

By the time we're walking back to Viini's house, everyone has edged closer to the ocean. Blair and Nolee have shredded their dresses and skirts and are toying with the water. When they see me, they excitedly motion me to join them.

Viini is already in the water with Zack and Hudson and when I go to look for Xavier, I catch him sitting by himself near the shore, leaning back on his arms with his shirt open for the world to drool over his toned abs. A shudder shoots through my bones when our eyes meet. His gaze drifts to Theo beside me and those lips curl up the faintest with a scowl.

"I don't know," Theo murmurs with a melodic playfulness in his voice, bringing my attention back to him, "Those slimy seaweed snakes could be eels or sea snakes and oh, jellyfish."

"Theo!" I shriek as anxiousness trembles through my body.

I hate creepy-looking things. I'm scared to death by spiders so if a freaking sea snake crawls up my leg, I might pass out.

Theo laughs, pleased that he got me all freaked and shit. His laughter grows when he catches me glaring at him and not being able to feign annoyance, I find myself smiling at his joy for my misery.

Once he stops, his eyes flicker between mine in a kind nature. They glide down to my lips and linger there for a second making my heart nervous. Why is he looking at my lips like he wants to kiss me? Oh god, he wants to kiss me?

Then Theo steps closer to me, leans in, and places a chaste kiss on my cheek. My eyes widen in surprise, blood rushes to my cheeks when he boyishly grins at my reaction.

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