Chapter Six

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Waking up to the baseball pitch, I enter the bleachers and make myself comfortable on the blue seats. The weather is breezy but the sun is shining. The grass is so green and the sky is so blue and the players look like specks of white fairy dust with their white and blue uniforms.

Sebastian is grasping the brown bat as he stands in the batter box, sporting his number 12 jersey. For a moment I appreciate his butt and how good it looks in those pants. Damn.

The pitcher hurls the small white ball and Sebastian gracefully and powerfully hits it. As it flies over the catchers, the defense players move on their feet with precision. Sebastian runs through the bases but eventually is caught out.

Sebastian snatches off his hat, ruffling his hair out of frustration, strands falling over his forehead. Then his eyes swing to the bleachers and when he sees me, his smile is contagious.

"Hi." I goofily grin at him as I go down to stand near the barrier that separates us.

"Hey." He tilts his head as he studies me with a goofy smile of his own. He looks drained.

"How's practice?"

"I'd say good but I'd be lying to both of us."

I softly hum.

"That bad?"

"Coach drew up a new game strategy and we're only just practicing it, so it's getting messy."

No wonder he looks just about as done as I am when I can't write up an essay the night before handing it in.

We take a moment looking at each other. A wonderfully peaceful gaze appearing from his warm brown eyes. Sebastian has really long eyelashes, curling endearingly. Olive, tanned-skin is coated in light hues of pink from exhaustion but his lips are like the glistening sun blinding my heart and eyes.

I can't help but remember last night. Sebastian was going to kiss me. I was going to have my first kiss. Why did Sebastian want to kiss me? It's a stupid question but I've never been in this situation before. Did he want to kiss me because he likes me? Or did he want to kiss me because it's just a casual thing he does with a girl?

But I'm happy that kiss didn't go underway because truthfully speaking I didn't want Sebastian to kiss me. We barely know each other, and I know for a fact that my liking to him is purely based on physical attraction and I can't let that get in the way. It'd be wrong.

"I have something to tell you." I confess.


"I don't know a thing about baseball." I grin, stupidly.

Sebastian barks out a hearty laugh that makes my heart melt in joy.

<3 <3 <3 <3

Sebastian explains the basic outline of a baseball game and its rules. Thankfully, the boy is considerate and hasn't shoved a whole lot of baseball vocabulary down my throat when I'm confused.

To me, baseball sounds like a very difficult game to play, one you need patience with playing and watching. The same goes for soccer. I can't stand soccer, it's so boring. No wonder Elijah and I are not interested in those sports because we like sports that are fast and constantly nerve-wrecking.

Understanding any kind of sport is like trying to figure out the Chaos Theory. It fries my brain. I remember the first time watching a football game, I was so lost I ended up crying—I was six, don't judge. And then basketball was like watching Road Runner trying to catch Wild.E Coyote.

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