Chapter Sixty Eight

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When Zack slides the door open to the entrance of the traditional Japanese house, I wheel our two suitcases inside. Zack has rented us a private Japanese house that has an onsen behind it for the weekend. I was surprised, to say the least, but didn't protest. A whole weekend alone with him sounds magnificent.

The house is located within a forest, surrounding us with lush trees and blooming bushes. The sound of the onsen gets me giddy. The last time I was at an onsen was when I was six. My parents took me back to Nagasaki to visit my grandparents and I remember loving going to the onsen with them and having the most fun I ever had. The pictures with my mom, grandma, and me are precious.

"It's fully stocked but they said if we need anything, we can let them know." Zack says motioning his head towards the kitchen.

I nod and go to observe the contents of the refrigerator and cupboards. We've got everything we need. Fresh vegetables, meat, spices, cooking utensils, chopsticks, and even ceramic bowls with pretty cherry blossom designs.

Zack is wheeling our cases into the closet when I step inside the bedroom. It's spacious, simple and so nostalgic.

"What do you feel like eating?" I wrap my arms around his middle as I gaze up at him.

Zack sighs and places a tender kiss on my crown.

"Anything," he says, "I just wanna spend the entire two days with you."

My chest swells at his sweet words and for a moment, we just stand there in each other's arms.

"Thank you for doing this. I love this place already." I step back, my eyes wandering around the place.

"I'm gonna love seeing you in the hot springs," Zack grins, "Naked."

I laugh, not at all surprised at his bluntness.

"Do you ever stop?"

"With you? No."

<3 <3 <3 <3

Zack helps me prepare dinner. I've decided on keeping it simple and making katsu curry and some soba noodles. I love cooking but I especially love cooking Japanese food. My mom and grandma taught me how to cook and I adore the simplicity and healthiness of Japanese food.

I'm rinsing the soba noodles while Zack cuts up the spring onions and prepares the edamame.

Zack cooks really well but he's still a rookie when it comes to Japanese cooking and it's adorable seeing him so concentrated whilst in the kitchen. Not to mention hot as fuck. The dude's arms are bulging and his white t-shirt is straining against those muscles. He, as a whole, makes my mouth water.

He catches me staring at him and the idiot winks shamelessly. I roll my eyes with an amused smile. He knows he's hot and he could get any girl he wants...but sucks to be them, he's with me.

As annoying as he is, he's mine.

We don't take long to set the table and dig into our food. We share stolen glances, foodie talks, and where we're staying for the next two days.

<3 <3 <3 <3

After dinner, as the sky grows darker, we relocate to the onsen. I'm walking through the wooden veranda that leads to the backyard onsen wearing my plain blue yukata that hangs a little off my shoulder. Zack is already near the stepping stones that lead into the hot spring water.

I stop behind him and watch as he slides off his yukata and steps into the water...completely naked.

He's sculpted by the greek gods, there is no doubt. His shoulders are wide, his arms are thick, his stomach is carved and so toned, his back muscles are drool-worthy and I'm feeling frustrated now.

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