Chapter Seventy Four

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It was spontaneous, and kind of chaotic but a total necessity when we booked our flights, packed our bags, and took a vacation to Hawaii. Each one of us has come so far with our studies and accomplished a lot so we thought we deserve it.

So here we are, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Happiness doesn't begin to describe what I'm feeling right now standing on this beach, in front of the bright blue ocean and breathing in the fresh, salty air. We've been here for two hours—no, I lie, we've been here four hours but we took a nap for two hours before coming to the beach—and I'm already dreading when we have to go back home. I want to live here forever.

"Why the fuck am I not single? Every dude here is so freaking hot." Blair grumbles like a lazy house cat. She's lying on her stomach, facing the ocean but her eyes are wandering over the multitude of hot humans.

There's something in the Hawaiian water.

I laugh at her comment, too busy fighting sleep off under the blazing sun. Nolee is raised up on her elbows, also watching.

"Poor Hudson." Nolee coos.

"Who's Hudson?" Blair playfully grins at us making us laugh.

Blair is too into Hudson to chase after anyone else. I know the look of faithfulness and Blair has got it written all over her pretty face.

"Nah, none of these dudes hold a candle to Zack," Nolee moves to lay on her back like me, her hands resting on her stomach and her emerald ring glittering under the sun's rays, "My hubby is too hot for this world."

I smile to myself at her adorable words.

I adore Nolee and Zack's relationship. They have a healthy balance of maturity and playfulness. Yeah, they'll fight but the next thing you know, they'll be cuddled up in each other's arms.

I had that.

Except Zack didn't lie to Nolee.

"He's not your hubby yet." Blair teases her.


"Still can't believe you guys are getting married, it's so crazy," Blair adds with a whimsical tone in her voice, "I can't imagine myself getting married."

"Why not?" Nolee leans back up on her elbows to look at Blair.

"I guess, it's never been a priority, ya know." Blair shrugs.

"Yeah, I feel the same," I sit up, crossing my legs, "I just wanna do what I love and travel the world."


With someone.


I just want to have an adventure first.

All my life, I've been so studious with no break for an adventure. My art takes so much time that I often forget about the outside world. And before him, I was so used to being, well, boring. I just didn't like going out a lot. Nolee and Blair would drag me out all the time because they made a pact that if I'm not going, they were not going. Parties were always a no for me so they understood.

So when he came into my life, I had to adjust to the feeling of knowing that there was someone with me now. I had to work on my social anxiety. He showed me a whole new world. I'm not saying a man changed me but Xavier was a step toward growing more confident and facing my fears.

Hawaii is my adventure. It's been on my bucket list for too long and now that I'm here, I want to do everything.

"Yup," Blair grins, her blue eyes sliding to Nolee, "And Miss Thang here will be wifed up and popping babies in her white picket house."

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