Chapter Seventy Six

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"You must be the pretty girls Viini has been talking non-stop about," a woman with luscious curly hair and warm brown skin walks towards us, "I'm Kalani, Viini's grandmother."

Oh my god, it's her.

She's gorgeous with unique features and an air of elegance to her.

"It's really cool of you to let Viini throw this party." Blair says with a bright smile on her face.

Kalani beams at the mention of his name.

"He's my only grandson. I can never say no to him. And besides, we live in Hawaii, every day is a party for us." She speaks with a vibrant husk to her voice. It's sweet and charming.

"Grams!" A tall boy jogs towards her.

And when Kalani sees who it is, her eyes glimmer with joy.

"Theo, I was wondering where you were, my sweet boy."

The boy, Theo, smiles warmly at her before engulfing in her a hug.

"Sorry, got caught up with mom's baking. She sent the cookies over. I've put them in the kitchen."

"Perfect. Thank you, kiddo."

She caresses his cheek in a loving manner that leaves him grinning like a little kid.

"Grammy," Viini slides into a small circle and when he sees Theo, he smiles, "Theo, man, where the heck you been?"

Theo shrugs.


Viini raises a brow, playfully eyeing Theo.

"Is that new slang for snow or what?"

Theo rolls his eyes and slings his arm around Kalani.

"Can't believe this idiot is your grandson, Grams."

"Hey, don't hug my Grammy. She's mine." Viini mutters, tugging his grandmother into his side.

Kalani laughs and pats Viini on his stomach.

"You kids are my joy," untangling herself from her grandson, Kalani gives us a smile, "I'm going to go stuff my face with those cookies. You girls have fun."

We're smiling as we watch her walk away and it's adorable how so many people wave at her.

"You better be staying, man. I haven't seen you for ages." Viini gently jabs Theo on his arm.

Theo nods.

"Yeah, I am. Kinda missed your annoying ass."

"Aww." Blair voices our instinctive reactions to their bromance.

Viini and Theo laugh.

"Girls, this is Theo—or Theodore—as my mom likes to tease him about," Viini laughs when Theo tries to punch his arm, "Theo, these are my girlfriends."

An amused laugh slips out of my mouth.

"In your dreams." Nolee says.

"Viini." Blair warns, telling him to knock his antics off without telling him.

"Fine, whatever," Viini dramatically rolls his eyes as if it truly hurt him by realising the truth, "My friends. Nolee, Blair, and Lia."

Theo holds up his hand in a friendly wave.

"Hey." His eyes glide over each of us before they stop at me.

I smile kindly back at him and can't help admiring how handsome he is. Theo's got brown hair that's adorably messy, green eyes that are mesmerizing, and a laid-back, playful smile rests on his face. His tall, lean body makes me wonder if he surfs.

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