Chapter Sixty Three

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With a scowl, I puff on my cigarette, the bitterness just as annoying as the girl standing in front of me. She tries to run her long, fake nails over my arm but I nudge out of her touch.

I hate her.

And as I stare into her eyes, I now realize how black her soul really is. What she did to Lia, to me, to our relationship was disgusting and damn maddening.

And for what? Because she was jealous? What a fucking bitch.

If I hadn't let her into my apartment that day, that video would've never been filmed let alone exposed like that. Our sweetest, most vulnerable, most intimate moments were exposed to everyone. I can't imagine what Lia was feeling when she saw herself being so vulnerable with me and people watching it like it was a cheap x-rated movie.

I am to blame for everything. If I hadn't come into her life, she would be happy right now—no, she was happy with me...until I decided to lie to her.

I should've told her right after I ended the bet but...I got scared. For the first time in my life, I got scared of the consequences of my actions. I didn't want to lose her.



She's my most happiest, most beautiful, most loved moment in my life.

I clench my jaw when she tries to touch my cheek. I roughly shove her arm away.

"Fuck off, Krystal." I bite out.

Her mere presence is making me mad.

Krystal rolls her eyes, her lips tugging up in a sly, flirtatious, sadistic smile.

"Oh come on, don't be a baby," she steps closer to me, patronizingly tilting her head, "So what the bitch dumped you. She was boring anyway."

I bite my lip and curl my fists, holding myself back from hurting her. Aggressively shoving her, I stand up from the hood of my car. Viini steps closer to me and a small crowd forms around us as I glare at the girl in front of me.

She's the devil reincarnated.

"You don't get it, do you? You ruined the one thing that made me the happiest. That made me feel like I didn't need to fucking kill myself. You broke my happiness. You ruined everything and hurt the girl I'm in love with! I may have made that bet but I lost. Wanna know why? Because I fell in love. Because she's the best, the most beautiful moment I had in my life. But she's gone now. That's what you wanted anyway, right? To hurt her because you were jealous?" I'm hysterical and so fucking furious, "Well, congratulations, Krystal, you hurt her. And along the way, you've ruined me too."

I don't stop to catch her reaction because I don't fucking care. Roughly tugging open the door to my car, I climb inside and slam it close.

The unopened bottle of JD is lying on the floorboard of the passenger side and my fingers itch to grab it, my throat dry from wanting to swallow that toxic, burning liquid down so that I can forget this night and the future nights because what is the fucking point if she's not by my side?

But I can't. I made a promise to her that I wouldn't ever drink and race again.

Revving my car, I roll it over to the starting line.

Hyde and I are racing tonight.

Viini stands with the race starter girl, she's whispering into his ear flirtatiously but his attention is on me. The worry in his eyes only makes me angrier. He's mad at me after what happened that night. He clearly cares for Lia and I'm not going to be mad at him for that. It relieves me that she has friends that have her back.

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