Chapter Sixty Five

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"Your favorite child is home, mom!" Elijah's voice drifts from the hallway of our house.

I almost laugh at his words but I'm too sad to do anything. I've been home with my mom for the past two days. I decided I wanted to go home because I've been feeling homesick lately.

And sleeping in my bedroom back at my apartment alone at night is pure torture.

"What are you doing here?" Elijah halts in the entryway of the living room, a disgusted scowl on his face.

I stay emotionless.

"What are you doing here?" I retort.

Elijah raises a brow, noticing how I'm cuddled in my blanket on the sofa with my pajamas on and a tub of ice cream in front of me. 

"I missed my bed." He says.

I shrug, still with no energy.

"I missed my bed." It's half a truth.

Elijah narrows his eyes at me, walking over to the loveseat in front of me and plopping down, leaning back and manspreading. He continues to stare at me like I'm a suspect of a bad prank.

I try to concentrate on the movie I'm watching—The NeverEnding Story—but his eyes on me are like heavy bricks. He looks between me, the state I'm in and the movie I'm watching. It's like he's trying to decipher a secret.

"What?" I ask.

Elijah's expression turns hard.

"What did he do?"

His question has my heart racing in an instant.

I nervously blink.

"Who?" Playing dumb with Elijah Berry is never worthwhile because as much as he is an idiot, my big brother is like a bloodhound.

Elijah clenches his jaw at my attempt of playing dumb.

"Your pretty boy," he says with a calm yet clipped tone, "You're sad which means he did something. And you're gonna tell me what."

My breath catches in my throat and I tear my gaze away from my brother.

I want to tell him so bad but I'm afraid of what he'll do. What he did to Colton was horrible and Colton wasn't even romantically involved with me but Xavier...Elijah will really hurt Xavier if I tell him the truth.

But then, Elijah doesn't have to know because it's my personal problem.

Yet the thought of confiding in my brother—in my family—is comforting. Mom already knows that Xavier and I are taking a break and I didn't tell her the entire truth too. She didn't push me for it. And I'm so thankful to her for that.

The truth, though heartbreaking, is also embarrassing.

What will they think when I tell them how I fell in love with a man who was lying to me about everything from the beginning of our relationship? I'll seem like a naive, silly, desperate girl.

And I'm none of that.

"We decided to take a little break." I quietly confess.


"Just because."

Elijah doesn't fall for that. I keep my eyes on the television, pretending that I'm paying attention. Even though I've watched this movie a million times, each time is like a breath of fresh air. And this movie always makes me feel happy.

Apparently not tonight.

Suddenly, Elijah is crouching in front of me, watching me with a dark, furious expression.

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