Epilogue Part One

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2 Years Later

We moved to New York.

After graduating, we got an apartment on the Upper East Side. Xavier got his contract and I started my own graphic design studio alongside Clévon, Zahra, and Kayden. It's been like a never-ending dream of being in the city I love and doing what I love with the man I love. The only sadness in my heart is being away from my best friends.

Our separation has been difficult but we talk on video phone and meet up every chance we get.

Blair and Hudson are all the way in Auckland, New Zealand, and happily engaged. She's got her own clothing brand and Hudson has ventured into product design, more specifically, skateboards. Nolee and Zack moved to Ontario, Canada, and held a bigger wedding. She's a Japanese literature teacher and Zack plays football professionally. Viini is back in Hawaii, dating Theo's sister much to Theo's dismay but she's happy and Viini owns his own custom car makeover garage that often collaborates as Xavier's sponsor.

Elijah is also dating the girl he was stalking. Turns out she knew he was stalking her but never said anything because she found it entertaining. Elijah was pissed and embarrassed when he found out and didn't talk to her for like three days but the moment she came over bringing food and wearing his jersey, Elijah melted right into her hands.

Mom and Christopher are engaged. It's a little awkward at family dinners because Elijah still holds a little bit of a grudge toward Colton but he's coming around slowly. As for me, I will always have that hatred for what he did to me but it was in the past and I've learned to let go. If I keep on hanging onto it, I will not move forward. I haven't forgiven him nor have I forgotten. I've just moved on.

I'm happier than I ever was.

I'm in the city I love with the man I love doing what I love.

It's a lazy Sunday afternoon, in the middle of summer, and I'm laying on our bed in nothing but a t-shirt and undies. It's too hot. I've got every window open to let fresh air in and the sound of distant traffic and birds is so peaceful. I'm tired. Bloo has been sleeping on the balcony in the living room for hours now. I'm on the next chapter of the book I'm reading when I hear the front door to our apartment buzz open.

He's back.

He went to the gym while I stayed home doing absolutely nothing, stuffing my face with food and reading my book. A smile spreads across my face when I hear him dump his gym bag, go about the kitchen and walk down the hallway to our bedroom. My body hums in fluttery nerves like whenever he's near. My body is still tingling from this morning when he woke me up with his face between my thighs.

I've got my legs raised, having changed positions like twenty-six times in the past two hours. I'm pretty sure he can see my undies and is surprised if his sharp inhale is anything to go by. I don't care. This man has seen every inch of me. Something hits the floor then I feel the bed dip. My stomach somersaults when I feel him spread my knees and kiss my inner thigh. With a blissful sigh, I put down the book and smile at him.

Xavier heart-stoppingly smiles before kissing my stomach. Love unfurls within me. God, I love him.

"What are you reading?" He asks, littering my stomach with kisses.

"Magnolia Parks."

"Is it good?" More feathery kisses on my waist.

I nibble on my bottom lip.

"So far, yeah."

Xavier hums against my skin sending delicious shivers up my spine.

Impatiently, I tug him up my body and kiss him. He chuckles in the kiss, sneaking his hands under my loose t-shirt, and when I feel him knead my breasts, a breathy moan gets tangled into our kiss. My nails softly glide down his naked back, loving how it's sleek with sweat.

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