Chapter Seventy Two

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2 Months Later


"Love this custom type, Lia. Let's use this." Mr. Walker, the art director of the design team, beams at me.

"I agree. It's simple but it fits with the brands' concept." Zahra, the in-house graphic designer, adds with a smile.

With an enlightened heart, I smile.

Mr. Walker scoots back his chair and stands up, grabbing his MacBook.

"Make the front covers and put it all in a presentation so we have a clear idea of what we're going for." He directs at me kindly.

"Okay." I answer.

"Good work, both of you."

When he and Zahra leave the room, Clévon and I share an excited look. I can't get the feeling of achievement off my chest. To be acknowledged by a senior in the design industry is overwhelming.

"I knew that pretty brain of yours would come up with a design like that." Clévon playfully nudges me.

I shut my MacBook and softly chuckle.

"I love it," he pokes my cheek, "It's super y2k and fun. What more could they want? Just sketch up a fun little character along with the logotype and you're good."

My internship is the best.

It's what I've been dreaming about ever since I came to learn what graphic design is. And it's a comfortable start to gaining experience within the design industry.

I thought I wanted to delve into the publishing industry but the design studio I'm working for—Sunday Design Studio—is amazing. I get to work on projects that are fun and that help me build my portfolio and further my skills.

Plus, I get to go to awesome events for free. 

The project that Clévon, Zahra, and I are working on right now is for the studio itself. It's a project to create a book pack for students and readers. We have creative freedom and are allowed to use the company card for resources.

And for the past few days, I had been working on designing a logotype for the brand. My design path was very y2k inspired. I went with a custom hand-drawn sans serif, thick weighted, slanted font. I've kept it in black because it's the most versatile tone. And since I used a sans serif typeface, I thought that the rest of the body text should also be that so it's cohesive with the logo and with the design style I want the books and layouts of the pages to look like.

Clévon is in charge of packaging and marketing. I'm in charge of typography and the layouts of the books. Zahra is in charge of the overall brand presentation and promoting.

I've been at Sunday Design Studio for over a month now and at first, I was so freaking nervous. My anxiety got the best of me on my first day, I was so awkward and terrified. But then I met Zahra and I felt like I was with a close friend. She welcomed me with her friendly smile and made me feel comfortable with her laid-back attitude. She's only a couple of years older than me and I think that's why I feel at ease with her.

And I adore her work. She's got this free-spirited thing going on with her designs that make me so inspired. I love how her brain works when she's creating typefaces for brands. They're always out of the box but flow so well with the brand concept.

That's what I think art is. Art shouldn't be forced within a box or it becomes...colorless. When we push ourselves to color outside the lines, we see the odd beauty of different compositions, the endless opportunities of forms—there are no boundaries outside the box.

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