3rd person POV

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Hi anyone, third person is not like reports!! It is to move the story on faster than if I was to describe it all from one persons POV. Any important points can go across quickly and without extra unimportant information. If your reading a fan fic then I hope that you have a brilliant imagination, which should help you see what's happening in these types of chapters! 

Hope you like it either way! Tell me if you really don't like this style and I might change it ! 


3rd person POV:

The emergency was a red panda, who had been shot a few weeks ago. Sang, as part of her reserve, had taken her in, spending hours hand feeding and nursing. When, with Jess there, she takes the panda back into surgery (even though Jess is completely untrained) and manages to extract the last of the bullet causing the major problems. The panda survives and Jess and Sang's friendship, to the point of sisterhood, is cemented.

Jess is back the next day and the next. She comes everyday for a week, getting to Sang's at nine, leaving after dinner, before she starts staying nights. To begin with Erica, her mother, is overly worried, before she sees how happy Jess is suddenly, so she doesn't ask too much.

When Jess goes back to college, she is coming home, dumping her bags and disappearing out the door, almost instantly. She does revision, then helps Sang with the evening animals feeds. She is soon spending every weekend from Friday leaving school to Sunday after dinner at Sang's. Sang also giving her tips and tricks for revision and is teaching her about the animals she cares for.

When Kota moves in with the rest of his alternate family, a month after moving with his mum and sister, Jess hardly notices. When it hit her a few days later, she tells Sang everything. So Sang starts to research the boys that Kota is living with, even hacking their phones, finding out about the academy was the tip of the iceberg. She read about their missions, their personalities then starts on her own research. She investigates the Academy slightly, before bringing the focus back on to the boys, finding out everything she can on them, and Kayli. She even leaves the reserve to track them, when Jess is at school, a few times, in disguise of course and with several dogs as bodyguards.

She decides that she could like some of them, which leads to her testing them. Some of her animals go up to them to see their reactions. A couple pretend to be injured, just to see what happens, some help, physically getting their hand dirty to help the creatures. Some call for help and some ignored them completely. The ones who ignore the injured animals go from almost heros, to zero, even though some have done some amazing things in their lives.

The ones that help have a weird mix, of those that the animals like enough that they would have voluntarily go up to them anyway: a computer geek, a trickster, a stylist, a coffee connoisseur, a doctor and two of the scariest men that Sang had ever seen. Yet the one scary men's touch and care, is only overshadowed by that of the trickster, who seems to have an intimate love of animals.

A few others help, but not to the extent of the ones the animals love. A prodigy calls the RSPCA after catching the small dog, limping, that comes near him. Sang promptly runs up (still in full disguise, with her other dogs behind her, giving her confidence) and explains that it was her dog who had got out, blah blah blah.

He just smiles and hands her the dog back, trying to hide his face. When she smiles in return, thanks him, offering him a reward for his help, he laughs uncovered his face and refuses. Still seeming wary that she might recognise him, which from her research she does, but he doesn't need to know that. When he doesn't flaunt his fame she relaxes, and he offers her a coffee, despite the fact his on his way to meet Kayli, literally now. Sang deliberates for several seconds, before gathering her courage, flicking purple hair over her shoulder and agreeing. He ends up offering to walk her home, but when she refuses, he just accepts and nods.  Which to Sang's mind means he can't be all bad. His eyes follow her until she out of site. Kayli pushes the memory of the strange girl out of his head as soon as he meets her. 

While a few others make half-hearted attempted to help, she isn't overly confident that they would ever do enough to save a severely injured animal.

Very few of them do nothing. Kayli however sneers any that come near her, hurt or otherwise. Anybody with Kayli, apart from the trickster, whom the animals truly like, follow her lead and ignore them. To Sang this seems  odd, and she makes notes on their behaviour around Kayli. It scares Sang how different they act around the dark haired girl.

With just a few months to go until Jess's exams, Erica begins to worry that she is spending way too much time in the forest. Which is what she tells her mum every time she goes out, apart from at the weekends when she suggests she is staying at a friend's. However, Erica can't deny that Jess is the happiest that she had ever seen her.

Though Erica does find it very weird that a smoothie is now turning up every morning for Jess. She almost has a heart attack when one starts to turn up for her as well, delivered in the night, without setting any of Kota's alarms off. Neatly sitting with the milk in a reusable cup with a neat E painted on the side, right next to Jess's. What makes her drink it is Jess's reassurance that it is from her new friend. This leads to Erica asking to meet this new friend, but she still drinks the drink and continues to drink it when she realises how much better it makes her feel, how much healthier.

When Jess talks to Sang about it Sang tells her to explain Erica where she is going, I.e. across the road. As well as saying that she will come and talk if that will help Erica feel at peace. Jess agrees and gets her mother to issue an invitation for Sunday lunch. Sang is quite happy to go to this, as long as she can bring a few animals, which Erica thinks is odd but agrees to, when Jess tells her that she is going to keep going across the road, even if Erica doesn't meet Sang!

I hope you liked it!
(Edited 20/06/21)

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