An almost bonus chapter...

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Sort of a bonus chapter ( this was unplanned), this is for @MonaMatar but it's really for all of you!!

Before someone points out that it doesn't match with a 3RD person POV from before I cheated and changed it, I'm re editing chapters slowly. 

Please bare in mind that I wrote and edited this quite quickly so please point out mistakes.... and at midnight as well... 

Please comment! 

Victor's POV: (from the boys leaving for uncles)

"Vicky, hon?" Kayli throws her arms round my neck and processed to peck me on the cheek.

"Yes?", normally I would add a dear, or darling on this, but something isn't sitting right about the fact that she told us Violet 'randomly attacked' her from 'nowhere'. From the one conversation I had with Violet months ago, when she was our 'mission', she seemed far too... level-headed to attack, without reason. Plus, her dogs where... protective, rather than vicious, which is what Kayli is currently implying. I want to believe her, Kayli, but it seems like there are so many holes in her story. Not holes exactly, discrepancy's... and it wouldn't be the first time that Kayli has lied, much to my disappointment.

Violet was also, is also, so... interesting. She listened to every word I said, even if they were boring and rambling. She talked to me about computer code, I could actually hold an intelligent conversation about it with her, because she was, is, way better than me. Kayli has never bothered to learn anything about, not that I mind of course, she doesn't need to be interested in the same stuff as me, it was just... nice, extremely nice, to be able to talk to someone who wasn't Corey, and actually have them understand, for once. She even helped improve the efficiency of my red line app.

At that point I was trying to scale it up to be used across the whole of the Academy, she took one look and stole my laptop. Before I could even really protest, she had handed it back, two lines switched round and a – sign added in.

The program ran, no bugs.

I've discussed it with Corey since, and he looks at me, as though... as though he wants to tell me something, but then shakes his head and turns away, this has happened a few times. The code his working on at the moment though, is insane, and I mean seriously insane! As in I hardly understand it, insane! Apparently his collaborating with someone in the Academy from 'far away', super helpful, but he won't tell me what the programs supposed to do, though he did send me a few sections of code to work on, right when he started. From what I could work out with that, it's something to help find 'something'? Yet I have no idea what the somethings really are...

I kind of wish I'd stayed on that project with him, rather than editing them as fast as possible, not overly well, and telling him I'd rather not do more, despite the fact I asked in the first place. Which he just accepted with a nod of his head, yet it still seems to be a work in progress, the longest project I've ever seen him work on. It's nothing to do with his game, which was 'published' just a few weeks ago, at the perfect time to go to the top of the charts, for Christmas.

The game is impressive, I have to say, the code involved is super complex at times, but at least I understood it as he was writing, and could have probably managed to code it with time, this new program is just going straight over my head. Corey did try to explain it to me at some point, when I asked, but I think Kayli wanted me to do something, I can't even remember what, but I think it was important at the time? So I sort of listened to half and left as far as possible.

I miss Luke. It's a simple fact, he just made everything more interesting, from wrapping North's truck in cellophane to dropping slime on Marc's head. Something about him was just fun, he made life brighter. Or he did before he was taken on that mission. Finding him in that cell, with his eyes totally dead, I don't think I've ever seen a more heart-breaking site. I haven't thought about him for ages, I don't know why I am now, for some reason Violet seems to have released some kind of dam in my memories, and I can't help it. Memories I wanted to forget, coupled with memories I don't have a clue why I forgot are flooding into my brain.

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