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More Luke and Sang! And a bit of Erica's opinion on the boys when they were young.

I have also added some character backgrounds for Luke, I really hope you think this works!

Hope you like it!

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Erica's POV

Luke has always had this restless energy. I remember Kota coming home from his first days of school and asking why someone might be unable to sit still. I explained to him that kids struggle to sit still and just because his one of the people who enjoys being calm doesn't mean every child is like him. For a while, this answer satisfied him, then about a year later he came to me, with load of research he had done.

He showed me notes he had been taking on some of the students in his class. This was the first time I heard about Luke, about Nathen about Gabriel and Victor. It was strange, as Kota presented his findings, how clinical how thorough, bearing in mind he was about six years old at this point.

He then told me, quite clearly and confidently, that he thought Luke had ADHD. I laughed. Alot. Don't judge, this was a six-year-old diagnosing another six-year-old, something that's hard to do for even trained professionals. I didn't realise how intelligent my son was, until I met them, a year later.

The blonde seven-year-old was bouncing off walls, literally. He physically couldn't sit still for a second. All four of Kota's friends seemed different, slightly scared of me. I decided that it was just me imagining things. Until I saw the bruise on Nathen's shoulder, the cut that appeared on Gabriel's cheek and the fact that Kota started asking for extra lunch every day. It didn't take long to figure out that the extra lunch was for Luke, every time he came round, he would eat as much as possible.

At first, I thought Victor was fine, or at least had a stable home life, a loving home life. I always knew he was brilliant at playing the piano, we always asked him to play at parties and he seemed to really enjoy it. Then the enjoyment faded, slowly I, we I should say Kota and the others also pointing it out to me, noticed him making excuses not to play our piano. Eventually I got Kota to properly confront him, then we heard about the piano prodigy that he was and how his parents were pushing him so hard. We heard about the performance the pressure the fear of failing... So, while the fists had never physically touched him the pressure was slowly wrecking what made him Victor!

By the time they were eight and I had finally 'left' my husband, Nathen was staying almost every night. Gabriel came at least three times a week and Luke was eating most of his food from our fridge. All the boys had enough clothes to last for almost a month in my cupboards, clothes that were used far too often!

I was the one who took Luke to hospital, when his uncle had told him he was too busy, to get him diagnosed with ADHD. I went to several meetings about how to help him. While he was lucky that the ADHD wasn't coupled with any major learning difficulties, apart from dyslexia he had other issues that made it very dangerous. His other symptoms included (and still do) having no sense of danger- (he does not think before acts) and an inability to ever sit still. He also has to be under practically constant supervision, or his likely to go find something to 'do' which has ranged from practically burning down the kitchen to almost going to prison for a number of things. His uncle found out about everything when the school had to call him, Luke had fallen from a tree and broken his collar bone and wrist. The school had also called the hospital, hence how I knew, I had myself listed as one of the people to call for all the boys.

I followed them to the hospital after Kota got home, the four boys all crowding in my tiny car desperate to see their friend.

I was expecting to find a man too self-centred and cold to bother looking after his nephew, what I got was a man in tears. Trying to force his way through the nurses to get to his nephew. After I calmed security down and persuaded them that I could deal with it, I took him though the back way, with the boys. To find Luke happily sitting in a bright blue cast and sling, chattering away to one of the nurses.

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