An answer to the first question!

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Hope you like this part, I love writing Jess's POV!

Please tell me what you think and if you like it etc, also I love to answer an question, if you don't get something please ask, it makes the story better!

Jess POV:

I thought it would be weird when Luke started living here, Sang proved me totally wrong, and then I thought that North becoming part of, what I would call my family, wouldn't work in the slightest. But it does, sort of !

As much as I love the animals, and still help with them all the time, I've started my own garden and taken over most of the gardening from Sang, we grow most of our own food, she used to but had to stop with me and Luke living here as the garden wasn't big enough. But we do now again, now that I've tripled the size of the garden.

Luke and Sang work so well together, when you watch them it's like you're watching a choregraphed dance. They are both concentrating fully on the animals, it has allowed Sang to save way more and that where North has come in.

With our help and several of Sang animal family, his been extending all the hospital wings so that each now has about five extra bays. His also made it so that more can be added with ease. I still have no idea where Sang gets all the money she has been giving him to use on the project! But the money keeps coming, the best materials and anything else he needs. He still has the ankle tag on, but I can tell S is starting to trust him, I don't think the trust will ever be the same as with me or with Luke, simply due to the fact that he hurt Luke and that she is so in love with Luke (not that she will ever admit it), but it's getting there. This is all helped by Charlie, Samira, Lola and Jeffery accepting him as they do me, his become a sort of uncle. He dropped an arm around her the other day, and she didn't scream or panic and actually left it there, something up to that point only Luke and I had been able to do. I don't think North really realised what he was doing when he did it, it wasn't until he saw the shock in my eyes that his eyes registered just as much shock.

North thinks I don't notice the look in his eyes as he looks at her, it's the same as Luke's, his slowly, but surely, falling for her. Luke's already totally smitten and from the amount of messages Gabe is sending (basically constant stream), so is he... I don't know if this can end well, not after the Kayli catastrophe! Corey sends load as well but it doesn't feel the same way, it's almost older brotherly, I could be reading that totally wrong though...

Currently I'm doing my best to not laugh at North. We're all down in the Dojoish place that Sang created, and North is 'fighting' Sam and Jeff, it's hilarious. He basically just running away from them as they practically chase him up walls. S and L are currently playing with the twins, Charlie and Lola, in the ceiling, across the bars and ropes, placed there for this exact purpose, in a game of what seems to be tag. They haven't noticed what's going on below, yet.

"Dam, stop already you two!" North yells, Sang's got much better at accepting loud noises now, she kind of had to, considering North is now living here! While it doesn't freak her out, this time, it does get both hers and Luke's attention. Luke is not good at hiding his laughter, nowhere near as good as me-not in the slightest, Sang's quiet giggles follow momentarily, then I can't help but burst out in full laughter, her giggles really are very infectious! Sam and Jeff really don't listen to anyone but Sang, Luke has moments when they listen to him, but then they totally turn off and ignore him a minute later, which can be hilarious! They are literally going through a teenage phase at the moment "Sang please!" he calls sounding slightly desperate as he continues to hold on to a rope. She laughs once more, but calls out to them.

"Sam, Jeff, let your uncle down!" they both turn and give her huge 'puppy dog' eyes, she rolls hers and sides down a rope to scoop Sam up into a hug. She crouches and drops a kiss on Jeff's head and he almost purrs, the two monkeys drop down either side followed by Luke who picks Jeffery up.

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