"Baby?" (Part one)

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Hi guys, hope you enjoy this part , I enjoyed writing it!

I hope this answers at least some of your questions @midpark21 :)

Please comment, vote etc thank you

North's POV:

I don't think I could tell anyone what day it is, if they were to ask. I know I'm drinking too much, but I punched my brother. Now I don't have a f*****g clue where he is. Why in hell did I punch him. I tilt the bottle still in my hands, then remember I finished it with the last swig, my arm swings back and I hurl it at the door. The glass shatters around the doorstep and I hear a ringing noise, for a few moments I think it's something to do with the drink or the drugs I've been taking for the last few weeks, but it doesn't stop when I shake my head. Ok, what else rings. Oh, right, yeah phones.

My phone?

No one's been calling since about two days after 'the incident' when I swore at f*****g Blackborne and told him point blank to f**k off. I don't actually know where the heck my phone is...

The room spins slightly as I stumble to my feet to look for it, okay not on the bench, not in the car. The annoying noise stops for a few seconds then starts again, making my head ring, I need a drink. But first I need to shout at whoever is on the other side of the phone. Oh, right yeah, I sealed it in my toolbox, I thought I also put it on quiet. The toolbox isn't really in focus as I look in it, oh there's the annoying ring ring device.

"What?" I snap into the stupid thing. My eyes blur slightly. When did I last eat?

"North! I taught you better than that! You have to say hello when you answer the phone!" I hear Uncles angry voice come though the phone. I haven't heard from him since he yelled at me the day after 'the incident'. I cringe at his tone, as my ears protest at the noise. He sighs, "Are you drinking again?" he asks slightly less frostily. I let out a grunt in return, I know I had some more alcohol in here somewhere. "North Taylor, Grunting is not, and I repeat not an acceptable form of communication!" Uncles lost the soft tone and it's back to anger. I go to grunt again, then mutter something about Kayli liking it. I can practically hear his scowl, "How many times have I told you..." he pauses the I hear some muffled words that sound like Portuguese swearing before he takes a deep breath. "North what are you doing to yourself?" this time it sounds more like his begging than being particularly angry at me.

I realise I can't answer him. As I look around, I can't give him the truth, I can't tell him that there's traces some suspicious, probably illegal, white powder on the side, and I can't tell him that I'm so out of my head right now that I don't know what day it is. So, I don't say anything. I hear him sigh for a second I think is going to give up on me, like the rest of them, my brothers. Then he takes a deep breath and goes to say something,

"Northy!" I hear from behind me, then a noise that sounds like she is about to be sick, my beautiful girl, Kayli, I spin, and the world keeps spinning. I see her standing the door her nose wrinkled and her face scowling, "I was going to say come shopping with Gabby, but you're even more disgusting than last time so I don't think so, sort yourself out to idiot!" she spins and literally flounces out of the room.

"No, babe don't go!" I say or I try to, I'm almost certain it comes out more like "nobabebdont goooo!" it doesn't work either way and I drop to my knees in the glass staring after her. I can see red around me, but it's unconnected to me, isn't it? I've totally forgotten that Uncle is still on the phone when his voice comes out of the device still clutched in my hand.

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