That smile...

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I told you updates would be semi-regular, but here's another one, I hope you like it, I've chicks as well as my Lamb now, currently four, but hopefully more to hatch later!  Hence why it's been a few days! 

Hope you like it, please ask any question that you have etc... 

Marc's POV:

It's Thursday. The day we meet this girl. Violet Smith. Either a completely new alias, or she's ghost bird. We've managed to get Kayli a full spa day with full manicures and pedicures and some kind of salt or clay face mask or something. She seemed really exited anyhow when Axel dropped her off this morning, it's run by ex-Academy members, so we feel safe leaving her there. It almost hurts that she didn't ask any of us to stay with her, it's like she wanted to be alone...


"What time is she getting here?" Nathen asks.

"For at least the fifth time Mr. Griffin, she will be here at eleven!" Owe...Mr. Blackborne's voice has taken a sight edge to it, I have to admit that the constant questions are getting on my nerves well. Corey seems to be the only one not stressing, his typing, again. He genuinely hasn't stopped for the last month. Every time someone asks him about it me just mutters something about a program then starts jabbering away about technical stuff. Victor was the only one who was even vaguely able to keep up, even looking slightly excited for the first few minutes, then Corey got even technical and even Vic gave up. The rest of us don't have a clue, though weirdly it looks as though Cor is teaching Gabriel to code, at least they have been spending hours together, that they never used to before.

I just roll my eyes at him, Nathen is starting to sound like a child moaning at their parents, the thought makes me smirk slightly. But I school it back to neutral when Mr. Blackborne shoots me a look, that quite clearly says, be quiet!


"Could she not have come earlier?" Brandon mutters. Gabe gives him an incredulous look. I totally get where his coming from, we told her eleven so she's going to get here at eleven. Nobody even bothers to answer him, and we sit in silence for the next twelve minutes.

At dead on eleven the doorbell rings, Mr. B stands, and Corey finally shuts his laptop. Mr. B goes to open the door, we are all absolutely silent. My ears, like everyone else's, strain for any sounds, but there is absolutely no sounds apart from his footsteps. We all hear the door open.

"Miss. Smith?" we all hear him ask, if I didn't know better, I'd say he sounds kind of shocked, but this is the infallible Owen Blackborne, he doesn't get shocked. She must have nodded as we don't hear her say a thing. I hear a something that sounds like a soft bark, then clicking noises, like nails on a hard floor. Lots of nails on a hard floor.

Blackborne comes back into the room, followed by this Violet character. And no less than six dogs. Four of them the classic guard dog, they are standing around Violet in a square obviously guarding her. The other two are much cuter in my opinion, they are both pressed against her legs. I am so distracted by the slightly scary dogs that it takes me a minute to look up at their owner. My mouth drops open. Her hair is Violet. Literally bright Violet. Every inch of it. I think all my brother are currently struck just as speechless; I get why Mr. B was now. She is shocking. And super sweet looking... WTF no, not sweet, shocking, just shocking. My eyes go back to the hair, the bright purple hair!

She doesn't say a word and five of the dogs stay perfectly still, several growling at us as we continue staring. The last dog happily trots over to Gabe? WTF? Why? I drag my eyes up from her hair to her face and I catch the end of an eye roll, before the bright green eyes fill with anger as she looks at us. She doesn't even know us why in hell would she be that annoyed, the anger and pain in her eyes makes me feel slightly sick, like I've done something to offend her. I want to be angry that she's judging us, but the anger doesn't look irrational, I looks sad but considered. It looks as she know exactly why she's directing it at us. I glace at Gabe out the corner of my eye, the only one her angry gaze hasn't scorched, his scooped the dog up, his face now buried in its fur, in a very familiar gesture, as if his met the dog before.

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