3rd person POV

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Next chapter Sang meet the first of the boys in person! (almost), might be the chapter after!) 

I can't wait (I hope you can!) 

Tell me what you think this chapter was weird to write, if anyone thinks it's bad I might try and rewrite it, but I think it get's the points across! 

Hope you enjoy anyway!

3rd person POV:

The park is reasonably busy, but not crowded. However, there are enough people that six dogs is noticeable and stared at-a lot. Which makes Sang uncomfortable. Erica had figured on this being the case and chosen a place at least partly hidden by trees. When they all settled Sang is still extremely tense but with the dogs around her, and after a few minutes of conversation she starts to relax and enjoy herself. That's when Erica smiles to herself, now she can move forward in her set up plan. All she has to do is get Luke to come to one of their many dinners. She was sure they about to start up again due to the fact Jess had already asked if she could move in with Sang now that her exams where finished and she was eighteen (her birthday having been right at the end of the Easter holidays). They even talk about it at the picnic and Erica agrees that she can if Sang doesn't mind, which of course she doesn't. Obviously, Erica doesn't mention Luke, but she has a sneaking suspicion that Jess has an idea of what she's up to. The smirk on her daughter's face the tell tale sign!

Sang drops Jess back for a last night at Erica's before heading home with all the dogs. Jess spends the night packing with Erica, laughing and talking, closer than she was before the move. The relationship between mother and daughter had been saved with the meeting of Sang, they can both admit this. According to Erica she doesn't take as many cloths as she needs. They discuss it and finally Jess gets the point across that while she is going to take books and clothes, she doesn't need the any of the random things in her room because she was going to be busy helping Sang most of the time. Also, they didn't really go out unless it was on an animal pick up, so she didn't need any of the kind of fancy clothes that her mother was attempting to force into the bags. In the end her mother persuades her to take one nice outfit and Jess carefully takes her favourite framed photo from her bedside table. At this her mother quiets about the clothes and tears fill her eyes. Taken almost three years ago, when Jess had just turned fifteen it shows her and Erica surrounded by Luke (pulling a funny face with his arm round Jess), Gabe (laughing at Luke), Kota and Victor (both looking mildly amused at Erica's expression), Sean (copying Luke), North (scowling, in true North fashion(at the childish ones)), Silas (grinning at the camera, heart throbbing grin on full display), Nathan (standing to one side his arms cross) and Mr. Blackborne (millimetre smile on his face as he watched the others). Jess is certain that Uncle had taken the picture, seeing as he was a substitute dad for most of them. Jess smiles sadly at the picture, remembering the day, all the guys had been treating her as a little sister for several years by that point and you could that everyone in the picture was a family. While some had shadows in their eyes still, that day they had been lessened, everyone was relaxed, happy. Less than a year later the Blackborne team met the Toma's new bird. Mother and daughter stand and cry until Erica finds a new topic to talk about.

She is desperate to come see Sang's house and mentions this to Jess a few times during the packing process, but her daughter points out that Sang's house is her safe space, and it has to be her decision to let anybody in! Erica gets this, she really does, but still wants to meet Lucky, see the crazy house that Jess has sent her pictures of; she wants to meet Demetra and Storm, she wants to ride them, but she will settle for meeting the horses that her daughter is racing round the countryside on! Jess silently waits for her mother to get it all out of her system as she rants about how she needs to see more of what her daughter's life is going to be like, from now on. When she finishes Jess calmly points out more firmly that it is Sang's decision and that if Erica pushed Sang it was likely that the invitation was never going to come.

Erica sighs and goes quiet for a while before settling on working out a way to get Luke here for the next meal that Sang and Jess where to come to on Sunday. As the deal now is that they will come over for the whole of Sunday afternoon, unless there is an emergency. It's the day that Erica normally has off work, so it means she gets to spend a nice long time with them both. They have also agreed to come one night during the week of Erica's choice, to be decided week by week when she gets her schedule from the hospital, as long as they get a days' notice. It isn't long before she puts her plan in to action, having been planning since she met Sang...

I really hope you got the not so subtle hints on who Sang's meeting first... 

#in the next chapter!!! (nearly)

I hope you enjoyed this!

Also this story has had over 100 reads, which is amazing, thank you so much!

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