A new daughter?

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Hi this is Erica's point of view, for people who don't that's Kota's and Jess's Mum


Erica's POV:

When I see the small lady climb out of the Land rover, I don't know whether to be shocked by the parrot on her arm, or cry at the sadness in her eyes. A look I am all too familiar with in my own children, and Kota's now rather large friend group. Jess has been extremely cagey about details of her new friend and now I can see why, she wants me to form my own opinions of the girl.

The one thing that I could get out of Jess is that Luke will love her. Right now, I can't see that, even though my daughter has repeatedly assured me that this will be the case.

Jess appears beside me, smileing nervously at Sang, as this girl is called. Sang returns the nervous smile with one of her own, turning to lift something from the car. I almost cry when I see the puppy she's holding. The small thing can't be older than four months, I think it's a flat coated retriever, but with one of it's eyes is sealed shut, its face is slightly squished, making it hard to truly tell. Sang keeps hold of the puppy while shifting to the side to let out another dog, a cat like creature, which I think is lynx, and a skunk.

Suddenly, I start to see where my daughter is coming from, with the 'Luke will love her' phrases. The obvious love she has for all the animals with her shows how big her heart is, just like Luke's.

"They are all well trained I promise." She is reading the shock on my face as panic, or something similar.

"No sweetheart, it's fine, I was just shocked that anyone could ever do that to a puppy!" I gesture at the dog still in her arms, but keep my eyes on hers, telling her that I understand, fully, that she had been abused, just as badly as the puppy. Her spine straightens, but her chin dips in acknowledgment that she got the subtle message. A ghost of a real smile flashes across her lips, as Jess moves to her side.

"That's why they come to me! When they are found and when people don't understand them, or if they are too injured for a normal environment!" her voice is quiet, but I can hear her enough. I nod my understanding, that's about as much info as Jess gave me. In fact, her words where 'basically she runs a rescue home for abused animals, but it's also a reserve, hospital and stuff'. I watch Jess interact with the large dog on the floor, crouching low, so that it comes over to her, when approval is met, she stands and rubs her (from what I can see) ears.

"This is Isla," Sang lifts the puppy up, who grumbles, yawns and snuggles back into her neck, "this is Simon!" the parrot dips his head and asks.

"How do you do Mrs. Lee?" I do my best not to gasp, but I obviously haven't managed it, as both Jess and Sang start giggling as they make their way, animals in tow, up to the door. I meet Sang's eyes and see the same mischievous look that Luke always has. She grins.

"Nice to meet you, Jess bet the next cage clean that I couldn't get you to show shock!" her musical giggle makes another appearance.

"Come on you two, lunch is nearly re...." the smoke alarm rings behind me, "...Dam not again, not right now!" I race for the oven closely followed by both my daughter, and her new friends.

The kitchen is total chaos, I really have no idea what to do.

"Ok, Jess you help me in here, Erica do you want to see if you can turn the alarm off, do you mind if I make lunch?" I can see her lips move and I think I got what she was trying to say so I shake my head then nod trying to work out what the appropriate motion.

"MUM!" Jess is shouting at me now to be heard over the alarm, "GO. TURN. IT. OFF! ME AND SANG CAN MAKE LUNCH!" I nod confident that it's the right motion this time. Feeling slightly rude that my guest is making lunch for me, I head to take the batteries out of the alarm. Again.

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