The things we do for the best spot on the sofa!

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Bit of a longer part today, hope you love it! 

Finished despite the distraction! *sticks tongue out childishly* 

Please comment! I love hearing what you think! 

Marc's POV:

This is a strange place,

This is a strange family,

This is a really strange house...

Everything is just so... different? Interesting, but totally alien way to 'normal', or at least my normal, the four that live here act like this is totally normal, which for them it obviously is... I'm confusing myself now!

Apparently, it's games night, board games. They sure do have a lot of board games, like a hell of a lot. Stacks and stacks of them.

"Oh my god!" I can hear Corey gaping from beside me, he used to love board games, but none of us were ever good enough to challenge him, so eventually he stopped. Though, I think he still plays online occasionally. "How many do you have?" he sounds way to excited about this. The small Lion is now tied into a sling across his chest, one that someone strapped there after he reached the top of the climbing hall.

"Not sure, I got some from Erica, realised how much I love them..." she blushes, prett... no, stop brain! She keeps talking, oblivious to my internal struggle, "then got a job lot from an auction, when a game store was closing down, we still haven't played half of them!" Sang answers as she looks at a few of them, apparently deciding what to play. She tugs a box still wrapped in plastic out from a shelf and reads the instructions on it. I'm too busy absorbing quite how many there are in here, as I watch the others spreading out and examining the other games, even Raven seems, interested, in the huge amount filling the room.

"Could we do 'never have I ever' instead?" of course that's Gabe asking, I have to hold back a groan, the last time we played this game Kayli was there, and she made us tell stories that we really didn't want to tell, while she never elaborated. She just doesn't take no for an answer. I hope Sang's not like that I don't think I could stand another one!

"I've never played..." Sang sounds slightly awkward as she glances at Luke, seemingly in support. Her hands flash for a minute, in movement's that are obviously sign language. He shrugs and then signs something back to her.

"Stop fucding talk... signing about me!" Mr. Game suggester mutters, his looking at Sang with a half-smile though, showing his not angry, this time. He also manages to tame in the swearing... which is amazing though I can see why he doesn't want another panic attack, I don't like feeling that helpless either.

I see Sang shrug, before she nods and gestures to the room we just came from with the large sofa. I watch Luke and Jess race/fight to get into the corner cushion, so much so that Jess ends up in a head lock, while her legs are wrapped around Luke, both of them on the floor. At this point Gabe's in hysterics so he doesn't go for the chair, I'm too busy being shocked that Luke didn't win easily, Raven's looking like he wants to join in, only being held back by Corey's tight grip on his arm. North comes from the kitchen, glances over the scene, scoops Sang up, who squeaks slightly, cutely, and plops down on the corner with her in his lap. She tenses for a moment, then relaxes into his hold tucking her head under his chin.

"Ok how does this work?" Sang asks, once the two on the floor have realised the seat is now gone, they flop down on either side of North and Sang. Luke catches Sang's feet laying them in his lap, as she shifts further towards Jess, so that her butt sits on the sofa next to the younger girl, her legs ending up across North's lap, feet just reaching Luke, who doesn't let her put her legs down. She just rolls her eyes, turning back to Gabe questioningly. The rest of us are still standing kind unsure where the best place to sit is.

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