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I hope you enjoy !

All translations are done though google translate, please don't hate me if they aren't quite right!! (Message/comment if you want to know what they say (but obviously Erica doesn't speak the language so why would she be able to understand!?!?))

Hope you enjoy either way!

Erica's POV:

I was not expecting to find Luke on my doorstep as I left for work this morning. Already having a bad day this isn't making it any better. Barely conscious he tells me not to call the Academy, more like begs and passes out. I might be a nurse but there is no way I can sort this out. I know someone who might be able to help, Sang, but she only met him a few days ago and while I know they had a connection, but I haven't heard anything from Sang or Jess since they left on Sunday. I don't know if she would let him into her safe space. But if I can't call the hospital, for whatever reason, then she is his only hope, or he is going to die.

By academy I assume he means his team as well, I work at an academy hospital, of course I know what goes on there, as much as Kota thinks he kept everything hidden from me! I can't even lift Luke by myself. I have to call her and hope! The stupid device that Jess and Kota got me for Christmas a few years ago is sure coming in useful now.

"Hello, professional laundry service, how may I help you today?" Sangs voice asks when I call the number she gave me, password, dammit what do I have to say. Oh right.

"Do you wash Egyptian cotton by hand? It needs to be in a very HOT temperature!" telling her that I'm here and I really need her help. I was given the instructions when Jess went to stay for the first time. The phone clicks and I realise that the first phase is automated, I haven't had to call before.

"Mum, what's wrong?" Jess asks me, I tense glancing at Luke, praying.

"How well did you both get on with Luke, because his currently bleeding out on my doorstep after telling me not to call the academy!" I hear Jess gasp then her yelling on the other end of the line then silence.

It must have gone terribly wrong, when he followed them, so much so that they aren't going to help. I drop the phone, after whisper yelling into it a few times, and start taking off Luke's shirt, trying to see the damage. I drag the stethoscope from my bag and listen, there is definitely fluid in his lungs, the cut across his forehead is worrying as well.

Dammit, I need your help Sang, I might be a good nurse, but this is way beyond me, I am going to have to call someone! I pick up my phone but there's a huge crack across the screen from where I just dropped it. For the first time in years, I want to swear. Stupid device why is it so breakable?

Then as if by magic there's hoof beats behind me, I turn and for a second it genuinely looks like a goddess is ridding towards me. Long blonde hair streaming behind her as she gallops across the road on a grey horse. Then Sang's at my side, as she throws herself of the horse and drops to her knees, taking control without saying a word, her hair which I have never seen down before pooling around her on the floor. The horse snort and she turns to it briefly jerking her head, it follows the path rounds to the back of my house.

Her eyes scan over him at high speed as her hands run across his chest pausing every so often. When I meet her eyes, there is an expression I have never seen on her before, pure determination, it's so different to her original scared and the more recent addition of mischief that I'm taken aback for a moment. Sang grabs her phone out of a practical pocket in her denim jacket (that she must have added herself) and sends off what looks like three texts.

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