I love her? Don't I?

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This is another of my favorite characters hope I've done him justice!

On another note is you guys can think of better chapter names for any of the chapters please let me know! ( I really struggle to come up with them) 

Anyway please enjoy this update, comment etc...

Marc's POV:

To directly quote Gabe that mission was a "C*********K of a mission!" (he had some extra swearing thrown in though). We might have achieved our objective (eventually) but calling Raven to come rescue Corey from a drug dealer is not something I ever want to repeat. If Raven hadn't been the only hope of getting him out alive (they were very Russian drug dealers and Raven had infiltrated the gang months ago) I would have called someone else. It was strange though, I was expecting to be strangled by the scary Russian (for putting his boyfriend in danger) but he just grunted and walked out the door.

A few hours we had Corey back and Gabe was busy swearing the ceiling off. I totally got where he was coming from (right now I felt like copying him). We should not have been sent in with the information we were given, the weirdest thing was that literally no one seemed to care when we got back. Sean gave us a look over for injuries and Owen, sorry Mr. Blackborne (still can't get used to the fact that they all call him that), debriefed us, but other than that...!

To be fair Sean did seem genuinely concerned, but while Brandon came and gave Corey a look over, it he didn't show what I would call 'real concern'. I can't hide my wince when B turns away from his twin and walks away. I can practically hear Core's heart breaking. It doesn't hurt me as much as it should when Kayli doesn't come to check on us, I fact it doesn't hurt at all, I get a feeling of almost relief.

Gabe is still swearing and Raven's still here with Corey, but he keeps glancing at the door, like he has somewhere else he wants to be. Corey notices and mutters something about going for a shower, I have no idea what happened last night, but his eyes look almost as sad as Brandon's, as soon as Corey's left the room Raven exits via a different door without a word to me.

"Great what the f**k happens now?" I'm stopped from answering Gabe's question by the front door opening and the hyperactive daydreamer (who has been AWOL for an entire day) wanders in. With pink hair.

"What the actual f**k have you done to your f*****g hair?" Gabe asks Luke, who looks confused for a second as he twirls it in his fingers, then he sees the pink ends and idiot starts laughing. "Who are you and what have you done with the man who screamed blue bloody f*****g murder when Jess dyed your hair last time and who the f**k was the beautiful f*****g girl at Erica's with you?" Gabe's colourful question captures my sentiments exactly (not that I care that Jess dyed his hair before). Luke goes from dreamer to North impersonator in less than three seconds.

"You where spying on me?" His eyes dropping back to the cold expression we've all got used to, the laughter I hadn't realised was half back in his eyes completely gone. Gabe at least has the decency to look embarrassed (as he hides his devastation at the laughter leaving), Luke scowls harder and mutters "I can't believe you!" while shaking his head.

"Who. The. F**k. Was. She?" Gabe whisper yells at Luke, I may have only seen a picture of her on a tiny screen, but she intrigued me, us it seems, the way she had been genuinely happy, that unforced laughter and the happy smile. I wanted Luke's answer as much as Gabe and apparently Corey wanted the answer as well as he was now standing staring at Luke from the doorway. Luke looks at all of us and lets out yet another North worthy scowl.

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