Paint and Monopoly

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Oh my god guess who it is....finally!

I really hope you like it, in a weird way this has actually been the hardest chapter to write so far... 

Enjoy tell me what you think (I hope you love it) 

Sang POV:

Stupid fear, I almost took out the one that the animals had checked and decided was good, safe, the best. He seemed to understand straight away that I had past trauma, his eyes told me that he did.

It was just as surprising to be able to communicate with him via eyes as easily as Jess. His eyes held the same pain I knew mine and Jess's did when we weren't guarding them carefully. I certainly wasn't when I was cleaning his face off, I also had no idea what had possessed me to do that, at all. I never went up to people voluntarily!

Yet something about Luke, maybe it was the shadows deep in his eyes or the fact that he was so considerate, slow moving, even though Jason had almost killed him. It helped that I had done extensive checks into all of them, not just on paper but also test with bringing animals close to them as well, not that they had seen me of course. Luke has done the equivalent of ace every single one of them. Jason and Isla also seemed to like him, even if Jason would still rip his throat out if he so much as looked at me wrong. Somehow a combination of all those things gave me that confidence to go up. I might have a tiny bit to do with the fact he is probably the most handsome boy have ever seen. Genuine modal worthy!

His shirt is mostly unbuttoned, showing me tan muscled chest, but apparently from all the info Jess and Erica have been feeding me that's normal. Jess also recons that he could give me a run for my money in the climbing ability, which means those muscles aren't for show. For some reason that makes me feel happier, like his real, with his model looks he wouldn't really have to do anything, but sit there looking pretty

It's not as if I didn't know something like this was coming, Erica has been dropping hints about how 'amazing' Luke is since the second time I came for dinner. It came to a head at the picnic a few days ago when she out right said that Luke would be perfect for me. While Jess turned bright red at her mother's forwardness she didn't disagree, and she knows that men are a huge issue for me, with the exception of two, but Jess doesn't know about them. Maybe that was why I went to him, for some reason I trust Jess, enough that she knows where I live and has met my animals if she trusts Luke as a brother then I can try. So maybe that was his saving grace.

When he ate Jess's cupcake the giggles, that I was trying to hold in at his stilted speech and the comment about Erica texting, had burst right out in full force. The fact I felt kind of bad for him had given me that finally boost to be brave and go to him.

I might have moved away again, but I went to him. I felt that was an achievement! I felt I could trust him, maybe not yet, but he felt more trustworthy than Erica. There was also something else, when he had complemented my cupcakes I blushed, I normally do, but I also felt a rush of pleasure which had me giving him a shy smile in return.

It was more than shocking that I could eye communicate with him as easily as Jess, not that I had tried with anyone else to be fair, but it felt like a skill that only select few would be able to do if they shared a strong connection with them. Something was calling me to him as much as to Jess. Jess being the first person I had every trusted meant that he could very well be the second at this rate.

It surprises that thought doesn't bother me, even though his a man. The prep for lunch and dinner is easy with an extra pair of hand that actually knows what the heck his doing and the conversation flows easily between us. I find myself relaxing into his company as we finish soup and I put the last few things in for dinner into various pots and pans, ready to turn on later. I can sense Luke slowly trying to get closer and closer, which I allow as he makes plenty of noise when doing it, seeming to know that sneaking up on me is one of my triggers. Jason and Isla are still watching Luke, but Isla is now asking permission to go say hello, after a few minutes I give it to her. She licks my hand and trots over to him, he tenses when she gets up to him but relaxes when she snuggles into his side and follows up with a lick to his fingers. I have to stifle a gasp, that means she accepts him as family, she only did that for Jess a few weeks ago. Jess meets my eyes, just as shocked.

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