Who knew?

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Have fun reading, #myfavoritecharater 

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Luke's POV: (A week before Christmas)

"Are you going to Uncles for Christmas?" Sang is curled into my side on the sofa, the four humans of this family playing Catan seafarers, Titch and Cupcake are annihilating us, again! Somehow in all their non-existent free time they've found the time to become board game masters. It's also entirely possible that they are cheating, in fact, I'm pretty certain they are. They are exchanging far too many looks for them not to be. I'm lucky that North is terrible at board games, he only plays because he wants to be near Sang, I'm not an idiot, I know he likes her as much as I do. The thoughts distract me from the question for a moment. But North answers anyway.

"What?" his dark gaze snaps to her, he has got better at not shouting everything, but his still not the best at communication. Sang keeps her eyes solidly focused on the cards as she answers, quietly, tense.

"Are you going to Uncles for Christmas, I thought you would want to spend it with him and Phil?" she still doesn't look up. She buys a new settlement, places it and two new roads on the map. Jess is just as tense, speechless, same as me and North when Sang finally looks up, then at her, "I assume you're going to your mum's. I think she's invited Dakota and a few others in an attempt to get the two of you talking again." I can feel how tense she is and I wrap an arm around her waist pulling her against me, my lips brush the top of her head as she melts into my chest. Does she want us to leave? I don't understand. I thought we were family?

"We haven't discussed it." Because we all thought it was obvious that we wanted to be here with you, I add silently in my head. "But I'm sure he would love to have us." While that's true, we all know, apart from Cupcake, apparently, that he, they, her parents, would rather come here and see her. Sang tenses at my words, but nods, her head dropping so we can't read her eyes. Jess starts to talk.

"I guess... I do want to reconnect with him..." her eyes are fixed on Sang begging her to lift her head again and look into her eyes. Titches eyes meet mine, they are begging for an out, she wants Cupcake to give her an option to stay here, but I think Sang thinks that Jess wants to go.

"Okay." She lifts her head from my chest and gives us a weak smile, "you call your... family and I'll see you after Christmas!" she smiles again, it looks forced, the ones we offer back are just as iffy. "also, I win!" she gives us a slightly more positive smile. We all look at board, sure enough she has ten points. With those words she stands vanishing down the ropes and platforms, Charlie and Lola right on her heels. The three of us are left staring at the board, Samira and Jeffery start crying gently, despite the fact they are now both over six months old, they still hate being away from Sang. I totally understand their sentiments.

"Does she not want us here?" Jess asks, I can see tears in her eyes, the confident girl who talked Sang down from a melt down after seeing the kids a few months ago is gone, replaced by the shy teen I used to know. The one who is horribly insecure, I never realised how not Jess like she had become, don't get me wrong in a super good way, but she has changed, being here has changed her into a better version of herself. North is processing, silently, still watching the board.

"I think she does. But she doesn't want to restrict us, so she's telling us to go, I don't think she believes she can be this happy! I think she thinks that she's holding us back!" He finally says, I stare at him, he said all that with no shouting and it was perfectly reasoned!

"Cupcake is a miracle worker, who are you and what have you done with my brother?" I ask him, pretending to be defensive, I even do slight ninja arm in a pathetic attempt to defend myself. Jess lets outs a half-hearted giggle for my efforts and North gives me a slight scowl.

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