Code breaker?

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Hi guys I finished another chapter so thought I would post it now! you probably wont get one tomorrow (well actually I think it's today now!)I'm working all day, but if I feel up to it when I get back you might be lucky! I have it written just not edited it yet!

Please bear in mind that I edited this at midnight ( I am shattered) please please tell me if some thing doesn't work! 

Gabriel POV: (From the meeting)

Why the f**k did Luke stop me from mentioning the fact that people don't seem to think his ADHD is important anymore. I hate the fact that people, mentioning no names, *Kayli* cough, cough can't accept it. It's part of what makes that idiot who he is, so they have to f*****g accept it. I can't actually believe that North was the one to tell Luke to stop tapping. I saw the look in Luke's eyes, the barely supressed tears, for f***'s sake, how f*****g blind is the f****r!

I've never seen Luke cry, well that's not true, he last cried when we were twelve, when his dam brother wouldn't say a word that wasn't in f*****g Greek. No-one, except me, knew about it back then and as far as I know that's still the case. He doesn't even know that I know. But I saw tears rolling down his face out the back of Uncle's dinner. I have never felt more like hitting someone than in that moment. My best friend was hurting, and I could do nothing about it. It made me feel like a s**t friend. In the end I was the one who went to North and slapped him. Then I yelled at him, no one had told him about Luke's ADHD, nor how compulsive that made him, apparently, they didn't think it was important (f*****s)! Luke doesn't know about that either. North talked to Luke a day later, admittedly it was to yell at him for eating sugar for lunch, but it was words, in English. Luke was so shocked he dropped his chocolate pancake, the aforementioned lunch, and Luke does not drop those f*****g things easily, they are like, his holy grail!

Since then, North has been as good as me at watching for Luke doing something impulsive, if not better. With Luke's depression setting in around sixteen, the ADHD become more of a problem North was there every time his impulsive nature caused him to head towards more and more dangerous situations. When Luke took a mission that would have been almost certain death a few years ago North literally tied him down in their trailer and refused to let him go until there it was no time to possibly go anywhere. We lost a load of favours, but it dragged Luke out of his depression, at least for a it was well f*****g worth it!

Which makes North's behaviour earlier even f*****g stranger. His the one who defends Luke along with me when the other get on to him about his hyper activeness. He gets f*****g annoyed with Luke for eating a chocolate bar but then defends his big brother if Nathen or some other m***********r scowls or complains at the fact that Luke is tapping again.

Every other time something like this has happened we always bring it up in a meeting and it gets sorted. But he shook his head, I glanced at him to see if he was going to tell them about North and his eyes said leave it man, when I went to open mouth anyway, his eyes narrowed and I quickly changed it to nothing to report, confused out of my mind.

After the meeting I tried to corner him, but he obviously had somewhere he wanted to be, when I went to follow him Mr. B told me in that cold voice of his that I needed to stay and discuss the new mission with Corey and Marc, of course he uses their surnames. I wanted to yell that family bloody well comes first, which is one of the god's be dammed rules, but Luke has to tell him the issue first, I get the feeling it's more than I think.


"What f****r?" I snap, Corey flinches back, "Oops sorry man, I was just thinking..." my voice trails off, Corey is a tech guy! I can use that!

"It's okay, I guess, I wanted you to know that Marc's planted the bugs and...." I interrupt him, already bored by this dam mission, they really don't need me here.

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