The first trauma

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I'm so sorry it's been do long, hope you like this. please comment if you don't understand anything. 

Not sure if this is clear but before Luke was beaten up by his team some thing else happened, this chapter should explain that...

Luke's POV:

They try to take my necklace off, and North's, but as Cupcake said they are completely unbreakable, so despite the fact they use some pretty heavy-duty bolt cutters, absolutely nothing happened to it. When Axel fails, he just ties my hands, despite me fighting to get free (and back to Sang), with almost everything I have, like it's nothing. Nathen twists North's arm so far, I'm afraid it's going to splinter before Brandon comes out of his shock at having a sister and slaps a pair of hand cuffs on him. Idiots, we could get out of these easily, we've been training for this for the last year, in a way. I go to start doing so...

But the drugs injected into my neck are harder to fight, so much so that I can't keep my eyes open, which is bad. I might have been going to therapy for a few months, but I still need Sang there when I sleep, when the nightmares start to come...

"Luke, you ready to go?" it's Gabe, we've got a mission, oh joy it's the club.

I fight back against the dark, I can hear North shouting over the engine noise, but his voice is slurred, his drugged too. No, we just got North fully off drugs. I love him, but I don't think it would take that much to get him hooked again, not if Sang's not here to hold him, to help him. Dammit, dammit, dammit!

"Okay, are you clear on the plan Mr. Taylor?" Mr. B, his about let me go off to the club, I want to say no, there's no way we've done enough recon for this. But the Academy Council gave us this job, they want it done, in fact they want it done yesterday! They are offering a hell of a lot of favours for this, it still doesn't feel right. I open my mouth, the shut it again and shrug, not wanting to, but nodding. "Good, we need this, we will be out of debt for all of you, if this comes off!" I just nod again, everything screaming that something is wrong.

"Luke, I can't give you a com, but this is a tracker," Victor hands me a small band, to which I look at him questioningly, "It's a hair band, waterproof and can go round your wrist or in your hair!" that's genuinely cool. "This is the first one I've made, but hopefully it should work..." he trails off, I give him a weak smile, I don't think he thinks that we are fully prepared either. The band fits easily into my hair and I pull it back into my classic man bun (that Mr. B normally hates).

It's fine, so far, it always starts out utterly fine, I'm I always forget how bad it gets, mainly because it hasn't for so long, Sang always stops it, wakes me up, around now, somehow always knowing. The drug is apparently not one that totally knocks me out. I can still hear others moving around me. I know the memories going to get so much worse though, I can already feel my breathing speeding up, this is when she steps in normally. I can't employ the techniques that the therapist has been encouraging me to start using, so that I can survive the nightmares, without being quite so reliant on Cupcake.

Nathen drops me about five hundred meters from the back entrance to club. Going in as a bar man is so not normally me, but apparently there isn't anyone better available on our team right now, despite the fact this is 'vitally important'. We're due to join officially with the Toma team in a few weeks, maybe even days, and they have Marc on their team, who used to be a professional bar tender! I might have had a few lessons on how to make different types of drinks, and actually I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't say I'm totally confident in this.

"You must be the new bartender?" a lady's voice comes from the doorway. Long blood red hair, hanging perfectly straight to her waist. It swishes as she takes a step forwards reaching a hand out. She looks... far to covered up, for the people that normally seem to work here. But I guess the robe probably comes off... for her act. "So?" she pauses and looks at me, curiously, I nod. Her lips, as red as her hair press together, her eyebrows arching. Blue eyes look at as she makes a spin gesture with that outstretched hand. "You're more handsome than the last two," she lets out a laugh, like she knows something I don't.

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