#Twist!!!(Maybe you saw it coming? Or not?)

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#thetwistishere! ( I don't think I've seen this anywhere before! Please correct me if I'm wrong!) 

Please tell me what you think of it either way! 

Hope you like it!!!!!

Raven's POV:

"NO way!" my boyfriend yells, he never yells, unless his really mad or cross at his computer... "Absolutely NO WAY! How exactly?" his staring at the two old men on the doorstep, both who are still giving me death glares. Even though they are super old, they are scary.

"How exactly what?" the one on the right asks, that's West's and, 'smaller, weaker, but older, less annoying, way more fun than West, West's brother's' Uncle. The other slightly bauld one is the doctor that tends to patch us up is Green doctor man is unavailable.

"How did we not know? How did we not notice...? She's the same person, god we are awful at the spy part of this!" Moye solntse (my sun) shakes his head in disbelief.

"To be fair, she never lived here for more than a few days at a time and that was only when you guys where all off on missions, she's... shy so never wanted to meet any of you and we weren't going to push her, not after..." the bauld one says, but stops after as Uncleman tenses.

"What?" my two-tone eye teammate asks, his eyes narrowing.

"Not our story to tell, why are you even here Marc? And the rest of you?" West's uncle asks.

"Them," I point at the other three, then try to think what exactly I want to say, "I under hear, words of strange. Then Moye solntse promises, show me moving pictures of purple!" both the old men look confused and turn to Moye solntse, lots of people do, I do never understand why!

"We were talking about Kayli and S... Violet," both the old men narrow their eyes, but the bauld one looks like his about to laugh, "Kayli was the reason for all the scream, one of Violets dogs growled at her..."

"Jason! You know the one that goes everywhere with her Uncle!" artist guy supply's helpfully from the side, so that was what that mutt was called, both the old one's nod in understanding, their threatening stances relaxing, to less of about to kill me, more just maim.

"Yep, Jason... Raven took his gun out, we didn't realise what was going on, plus Jason really didn't like Kayli... at all, he was really growling at her, then Jess and Violet came in, Violet told Raven to drop the gun, then Kayli screamed in his ear..." I have to cut on here as Moye solntse cannot say what happen next!

"My hand gripped! And bang, but I didn't hit anyone! Purple already had the gun, the shoot hit the ceiling!" I say before he can continue. Again, they look confused, why? And Moye solntse shots me a look that says shh!

"But... yes what he said, suddenly Violet had the gun and then Raven stopped Kayli from shouting, she thanked him. Then Jess dragged her and Gabe back into the kitchen, less than five minutes later Violet left, we didn't realise that Kayli followed and..." Moye solntse winces and then gestures back to the car, him and Artist have an eyes conversation and then Artist gets Moye solntse's lap computer.

The two old men watch the moving pictures at the same time as me, B***h is no fairy or darling or sweetie. Not after watching that. When purple slams in the bookcase, because B***h pushed her, both old men gain the murderous looks again, this time not directed at me.

"Just saying Raven, you shot did hit Violet!" multi-eye speaks again, he hits the long bar in Moye solntse's lap computer, which earns him a scowl, then he gestures to the right hand of the purple girl. "Cor can you zoom in!" Moye solntse rolls his eyes, he mutters something about 'can you walk' before doing as he was asked, "There!" I almost ask what he is pointing at. Then see the stain of dark across her hand, Moye solntse runs the zoom in up to her shoulder, you can just see the discolouration of the dark jacket on the video, "Isn't that blood?" multi-eye asks. Both the old men have turned their death glare back on me.

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