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"Alright class, let's begin where we left off yesterday." Mrs. Deor announced as she snapped her fingers and made apparatus appear on the work tables in the lab, just then Kyra, Ben and Lario appeared by the door. "We are so sorry we're late." Kyra was the first one to apologize as the two behind him bowed in apology, it made the woman chuckle seeing their nervous and flustered faces.

"It's alright, I already knew you would be, take your seats and we'll begin." The woman replied as Ben sighed in relief, they all walked in and each person they passed bowed slightly in respect, and since they were sitting in a three person setting, they immediately found a table and sat down. "As I have already said, we'll pick up from yesterday, the potion which requires a witch's blood so that the immunity or mana within the blood can however be transferred to the patient, go on and let's see what you'll make with only those few ingredients." Mrs. Deor explained as she moved about the class.

"We need oak wood sap, toad heart, phoenix ashes, ground ferns, and willow wood bark that's also ground." Ben explained as he placed each ingredient at the middle of the table. "Ben how will you know it will work, ferns are a repellant." Kyra argued but that only made him chuckle. "Of all the years of you being my apprentice, haven't you learned anything." Ben retorted as he began mixing the potions, with the last ingredient, he took Kyra's hand and sliced his palm open so that his blood would go into the beaker, when it was enough the wound healed in seconds.

"I'm sorry for ever doubting you." Kyra mumbled with an embarrassed stance making Lario chuckle and Ben simply rolled his eyes in amusement. The three witches held hands and the slight pull of magic and its golden glow made everyone look back to the table where Ben sat, seeing the siphon work was still a wonder, even for Kyra and Lario. "Together." Ben ordered. "Inveniat caecus mortum raphicus helium." The three chanted in sync with each other and the solution Ben had created changed from a dull green to a lime.

Everyone was now focused on the three even the teacher was amazed by how they could easily continue and make the potion along with knowing that a spell was required to activate the potion itself. When the three were done everyone went back to their own tables and performed several spells for their potions. "Okay class, let's see how you did." The woman announced as she began assessing the work done, most were ineffective whilst others hadn't been activated at all, although half the class did pass the test along with the supremes.

Just as Mrs Deor was about to continue her lesson Mr. Wyne burst through the door heavily breathing. "Deor quickly, it's the headmaster!" He called out and immediately the woman had sprinted out the lab, Ben took Kyra and Lario's hands and immediately vanished with them, when the two realized what was happening they were already in the infirmary. "Devin where is he?" Ben questioned the phantom who immediately led him to a pod with the headmaster, Mrs Deor and Mr. Wyne were already there looking at the man in the pod with pity.

Ben made his way over and the two moved aside for him, black veins that pulsed littered the headmaster's body, it was a blood curse wrapping around his whole nervous system and crippling it, Ben knew what kind of curse it was, he had seen it before, on his son. "Kyra, get Hayes, Lario we need to move him into Avian's pod, Devin I will need a lot of things and they are almost impossible to get but it will save the headmaster." Ben exclaimed and everyone looked at him in shock, the headmaster was half dead.

"You can't save him, as long as he has angel blood, his curse will always be active." Mrs. Deor argued but when she saw Ben's eyes turn completely white she stepped back and shut her mouth. "Drac, Verity, and OL, I need you." Ben mumbled and just then three beasts stood around him and Lario shocking everyone around him. "Rip the pod from the ground, take it into my workroom, Lario knows what to do, OL you'll stay here with me." Ben instructed and everyone stood back without interfering they knew one wrong move, the master of Neo beasts would lash out.

"OL we need widows wail, bloodroot, damphier leaves, mountain ash, sun blessing, witch hazel, red ferns, dead man's ash, basilisk blood, and the most difficult one fuschia leaves along with angelica root." Ben stated everything as he molded pure golden energy into his palm in a spherical motion. "Ben you know about the fuschia, it's still growing, and the only other place to get it is a day from here and it's on an island." The neo beast argued calmly making Ben nod in understanding.

"I know, and you know I am the guardian, so I will open a portal and you will get the plant then back here within an hour, Devin will go with you, along with Mr. Wyne, if that's alright." Ben stated and the three nodded just as Hayes showed up at the door and the few students and patients inside bowed before him, he didn't say anything he could tell everything by just looking at Ben, his eyes were still a bright white. Ben walked to an open area, his demonic marks began to glow gold and golden glyphs appeared on his skin along with runic circles at his feet, just as his power spiked a portal opened to an island that made all those who could see past the portal gasp.

"The Island of memory and time, only its guardian can allow entry in or out." Mrs. Deor spoke looking at Ben in absolute shock and fear, he was more than what she ever expected. "Go now, I will handle things here." Ben ordered and the three mystics immediately ran into the portal. "How did the headmaster get cursed?" Hayes questioned as he held Ben's hand into the workroom, Mrs Deor and Kyra were not far behind, as the woman gasped once she walked in.

"Vision, your father seeks your council." The demon Hayes called out and immediately the neo beast with its golden eyes and horns appeared, he was chirpy as usual. "Ben the headmaster is in another pod, I've already set him up on the IV along with placing the first of the healing serum." Lario reported making Ben smile with a nod, Mrs. Deor moved toward the pod and was astonished to see the curse receding and the body of the headmaster looking more alive again.

"Headmaster Hart was a student at Halwright long ago,  shunned for his hybrid nature, being angel and wendigo an unlikely combination, he wasn't the first of his kind, but the first of to be born and earning the title and power of an archangel and also the recognition of the crown of bones, his achievements angered the angel king as headmaster Hart had surpassed his own son and later became the headmaster of the most important and powerful mystic school in history, in his rage, the king placed two curses on Hart, that one if he were to use his archangel power it would slowly kill him over time and secondly a blood curse, if he were ever to combine his wendigo heritage and angel heritage he would die within hours." Vision explained everything shocking everyone in the room.

"We can fix curse number one easily, curse number two is tricky, Kyra examine his blood we need to know the wording of that curse so that Ben can reverse it, and also if it has spanned to another generation, I'm sure you'll need my blood." Hayes asserted as he motioned Verity toward him and they began the blood extraction.

"Drac, go to your mate and help him." Ben instructed and the beast vanished, Vision nodded to Ben and his form changed making its way into Ben again, the door burst open as Annel, Avian and Tate rolled in laughing with the little boy. "Papa!" Avian delightfully yelled as he ran to Hayes, luckily the blood extraction was done, he opened his arms wide for Avian who sighed when those arms held him, everyone could feel the love radiate from the two, but they had a headmaster to save, so Ben kissed both boys goodbye and shooed them out of his workroom.



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