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The Hidden Truth.

Vastorway Academy.

A pentagram had been etched onto the floor, various runes and glyphs were inscribed on it and around it, in the middle of the pentagram was the Egyptian symbol for the deity Seht, the one who had done all this was a man with orange almost chestnut hair, it was long enough to reach his shoulders but he had styled it not to, his caramel skin glimmered in the candlelight which lit the room, his obsidian eyes were focused on his task so much so that even when the angel walked in he barely paid him any mind.

He kept working, drawing runes and glyphs, after he was done, he flicked his fingers and black candles appeared on each point of the pentagram. "Do you have what I asked for?" He questioned the angel just as Nico walked into the room. "Here, extremely rare ingredients, I'm sorry I took long, they were hard to find." The witch noble apologized but the man nodded in understanding. "Unicorn heart, naga blood, fox ashes, willow bark, bloodroot, red fern, witch hazel, dead man's blood and volcanic ash mixed with angel feathers along with sun blessing." He recited it all adding one after the other.

His bowl was set up with all his ingredients inside, he stirred the mixture bleeding into it until it turned a black color that Nico and Mael seemed not to like, gauntlets appeared on his hands, they shimmered in the candlelight, their intricate design making the witch in the room gasp but not speak up. The man took his mixture and poured it onto the pentagram, just as he did so he grabbed the last ingredient, a green viper which hissed at him, in a quick motion he was gutting the snake and letting its blood flow onto the mixture he had poured previously.

"This is a thirteenth echelon spell how are you performing it, it needs a massive amount of energy." Nico blurted baffled by the spell he was seeing. "I see you know your craft child of magic, when I came back to this world recently, there was a witch there, he conjured a temporal dimension, one I'd never thought was possible, it made him a ruler of time and space, I've never felt so much power, I need to protect myself." The man replied with a slight quiver. "Why would you do that Annel?" Mael questioned looking at the man.

"You don't understand do you, you haven't felt what I felt when I looked into his eyes, my four kin are gone, their souls were shredded out of existence, their power he and his mate took, purified and made their own." Annel replied as he stepped onto the middle of his pentagram. "If I'm to survive and not fall to the same fate I must protect myself." He asserted as the pentagram glowed a deep orange and a heavy purple fog began to whirl around him, it created a cocoon around him until it was all absorbed into his skin.

"Benjamin doesn't have that kind of power." Mael argued but neither Nico or Annel looked convinced. "Mael, Ben can perform a sixteenth echelon spell with the flick of a finger, he created a dimension of his own with a complete society, he rerouted the Time Pillar, you have to admit that Ben is a lot stronger than you want to admit." Nico expressed hoping his point would be taken into consideration. "I know the witch, he might be a siphon with multiple spanning abilities but to kill hybrids of Annel's caliber is ludicrous." Mael argued again but it was in vain, Annel chuckled looking at him.

"You have no idea what you're dealing with angel, you might be powerful but there are others just as powerful, let me tell you a story, maybe you won't be so adamant in believing the siphon witch is more of a threat than you realize." Mael scoffed looking at Annel but did not go further, Nico was also paying attention to the man who wanted to reveal something he didn't know about their enemy. "In the time before the great purge of bloodlines, before the siphon witches were hunted and killed, a special child was born, to a demon and a siphon witch, in most cases when there is a cross between species the child is considered hybrid like myself but this child was completely a witch, what set him apart was his base abilities, he was a siphon with an entity, like that of a wolf." The man began and he realized both the two men in the room were listening.

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