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A Better kind of Rare

"5th Circle: Fanatic Fury." He cast the spell and the whole floor burst from the impact of his attack and the one he was defending himself from. "You're so cocky, I will beat that out of you before the trial." His opponent sneered but that wouldn't deter him, he needed to show him and everyone else he wasn't a pushover, weapons appeared in his palms made of his dark aura, he lunged for the boy in front of him, the first blow was accurate and rattled his opponent.

The second blow his opponent dodged by sidestepping him and jumping into a void and appearing from the same void behind him, he realized his opponent had an affinity of void magic and magnifying it. "Incubus Allure." He mumbled as thick red smoke cascaded out of his mouth, it pooled all around him and his opponent, then he began to draw mana from him. "What is this?!" The enemy yelled as he was paralyzed and his mana was being sucked dry. "It's my own creation, it draws mana from any living thing in the vicinity of where it touches." He explained to his opponent who now felt like stone.

"Fuck this." His opponent cursed and began feeding off from the smoke, at first it felt like drops of his power were coming back until the drops turned to a trickle. "Clever strategy, but you won't regain enough in time." He taunted his enemy just before he leaped into the air. "1st circle: Explosive Karamba." From his mouth a spiral of flames were released, they hit his opponent head on along with it the whole floor exploded as well, the doors and windows burst due to the heat and pressure.

When the flames subsided he saw the boy who had challenged him staggering to his feet, his skin was still healing and a large amount of mana was bubbling inside him. "No more games bitch!" The boy yelled as two raven wings sprouted from his back, they seemed stronger though, and fast. He chuckled deeply knowing all this while he was holding back. "Before I clip your pretty black wings off your back, mind telling me your name?" He asked the raven winged, enemy.

"Alfin Sevroy." He replied, with the given name he saw fit to give his opponent his own name. "I'm Taylor VenusShadows." He asserted with a smirk, the fear registered on Alfin's face for a split second before he became hardened with resolve and lunged for Taylor, he flew straight for him and hurled black matter toward him, but it was quickly absorbed by just a touch and that made Alfin angry, there was something about Taylor he was missing.

They began hand to hand combat, one looking to overpower the other, as time passed both of them became faster, stronger, and relentless, Taylor saw no need to hold back, from the fast speed he was using he spun back and attacked Alfin again but this time Alfin didn't see him even move, he was moving faster than sound as he hit Alfin blow after blow, with a swift uppercut Alfin burst through the roof of the incubus dorm, Taylor followed him in a burst of speed, the night sky was twinkling with stars as he delivered a kick to Alfin's head which sent back into the incubus dorm building.

The crash caused several explosions inside the dorm when the debris cleared Alfin was struggling to stand. "You're strong, I will give you that." Taylor admitted as Alfin lunged for him with a speed that matched his own, a punch landed on Taylor, it caused an explosion him and threw him to the wall which shattered. "No I'm persistent." Alfin corrected as he hurled a sphere of blinding white light toward Taylor, a shield appeared and engulfed Taylor as the explosion destroyed the upper part of the building.

When it all settled Alfin was looking around for Taylor until the incubus tapped him on the shoulder. "I'm right. HERE." Taylor kicked the boy's head, it sent him hurtling through the broken window and onto the golden barrier protecting everyone outside of their fight, Alfin caught himself by barely flapping his wings, they had extensive damage. "3rd Circle: Dark lightning lance." Taylor shot the lightning arrows toward Alfin, two were dodged the other two lodged themselves into the boy's shoulder and leg then exploded.

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