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Kyra RahulSyre

Kyra knew he had to get there in time, and help if he could  because if Mael was making a play at unleashing their worst nightmare, he would come for Kaiser, so he used a locator spell, —one of his strongest and found Kaiser in Domino, deep below the castle. "Kaiser—."  Kyra whispered as he found the witch king on his knees heaving, he stood up again and unleashed red lightning on what seemed to be a large black trophy, when nothing happened to it, he groaned. "Fuck—!" He hissed blasting the trophy with more attacks that simply passed by the bloody trophy, Kyra could feel it, feel what it was. As the king slumped to his knees. "Kaiser." He softly mumbled as he knelt next to him and the king didn't say anything, just embraced him, I guess after all that happened Kaiser needed this, not only from Kyra but Ben.

"What are you doing here?" Kaiser questioned. "To warn you, Mael would try come for that." Kyra explained as he pointed to the dark object that wouldn't be destroyed. "Well I felt it, when he opened the first locks, I evacuated the whole region and I had Scarlett move most of the witches into different dimensions, our people are safe from the madness that is Mael, he has turned out exactly like his father, mad and cruel to not only his kin but other mystics as well, — I wish I could come with you Kyra, but I have to try an—." Before Kaiser could finish, the far wall of basement they were in exploded, Kyra was quick to create a void that he used as a barrier to protect himself and Kaiser from the blast. A regiment of angels walked in, led by none other than Mael. As Kyra let go of the void, Mael had sent his angels to attack the two and Kyra had to weigh his options. Kaiser came first. "No Kyra, he can't have it!" Kaiser protested as Kyra took his hand and teleported away,  if only Kaiser had noticed that Mael had blood on his hands, —that tainted him and wouldn't come off, the blood of a demon, there was nothing they could do, he had already taken the other two pieces.

As Kyra appeared with Kaiser outside, a deep set worry overcame his features. "You need to go into hiding, Mael needs a large amount of mana to activate the artifacts and you are a source he could exploit, I need to warn the world now, Mael has all the pieces to resurrect the monster we all fear, and he wont stop." Kyra explained to Kaiser sadly, and he hoped the king understood. "I understand Kyra, don't worry, I will make sure our people are safe, stay safe Kyra, —I love you, and tell Ben, I love him." Kaiser replied as he hugged Kyra again. "I will." The witch reassured his king before Kaiser vanished leaving red sparks in the air. As for Kyra he knew he had to get back, so he focused on the pull of Halwright, in one breath, he was gone and appeared in the study park, before he moved to the others, Kyra sat down and did what he had to.

"Meka sangur alduse nevaris qou, selis navidante centoris, —war is coming, protect your children, your family, the people, the angel king will do anything to win and he isn't afraid to spill blood, adul sereni vartu!" The spell Kyra had cast was molded into a warning in his palms, as he molded energy it changed shape and form creating a dragon made of blue fire and once he finished the spell he released it into the sky, as if the dragon were a flock of birds it spread out into the world warning all those who looked upon them. Kyra having sufficiently used a lot of mana in that spell staggered but remained on his feet, Robin was there to help him steady as they walked out of the study park. "You sent out that warning." Robin muttered and Kyra nodded. "They had to know, not just my people needed to be safe, yours too." Kyra explained as they stood by steps that led to the hall.

"Thank you Kyra, vampires are fast, and my father sent word that he evacuated the people, much like the other species, Mael can't get to them if he can't find them." Robin explained and Kyra was glad he'd helped, even a single life saved was worth it but they all knew now, he was coming. "Lets—." Before Robin could say more a neo beast appeared next to them. "We're being moved right now aren't we?" Robin mumbled as he looked up at the 9ft beast. "Yeah." Kyra replied as beyond them Ben was like a shooting star, brilliantly blazing in the night sky as he shot up into the sky headed straight past the barrier, Kyra wanted to help, had to help, how would he do that a golden portal had already opened behind him and his mate. "I will use extreme force if need be to get you inside." The neo beast stated and Kyra visibly shivered. "No resistance here." He replied knowing full well that even though they could win against the neo beast, more would come until they were drained and forced inside so they simply walked through, hoping Ben would be okay.

Kyra appeared in Ben's bedroom, what seemed to be Ben's body laying on the bed astounding him. "He separated himself, gave this vessel the protection it needed and the necessary function to carry their child." Devin explained as he was the other person in the room. "Ofcourse he would think about everything before going to confront Mael." Kyra chuckled as tears replaced laughter, he was going to do away with the one thing he regretted most. To Kyra that was something he could never have the strength to do. Even if the world was at stake.

Benjamin Syre

"You can't go face him alone, Ben, —don't do this my love." Hayes had begged him, pleaded with him. "My love, I'm the only one strong enough to do this, strong enough to protect us all, if I don't who will, Avian, Annel, our child, you, —you need me to do this and all this while I've been trying to figure out another way but there isn't, to fight a monster, you need an equally terrifying and powerful monster, and when I do fight I will be with you, I promise, I will come back to you." Ben exclaimed as his eyes pooled with tears that trailed down his cheeks never ending. "I know, I just —why does it have to be you." Hayes argued but he knew he'd lost the battle as he knew, only Ben could do it. "Fate has it's way." Ben mumbled wiping away Hayes's tears. "I know you'll come back, I'm holding you to it." Hayes whispered as he kissed Ben, it was fierce, it was passionate and most of all it was loving.

Ben slowly got out of Hayes's grip and looked to the night sky as he stood in the enchanted forest, his hair changed into a golden hue, as his skin changed with it, six tetragrams appeared around him as his power spiked, a part of it rose to the surface. "I love you, once my battle is over, yours will begin." Ben stated before he shot up into the sky aiming straight for where Mael was as he broke through the prison, he blazed straight for the angel and when he was in proximity, horror struck Ben's face, angels lay dead at his feet, the very ground Mael stood on was being tainted with death and darkness. "You're too late, it's already happening my love, now I will claim you back, and our son aswell." Mael mumbled as he flew to where Ben was, his golden light shining like the sun around both of them. "You're falling Mael." Ben stated as he snapped his fingers and the two of them were taken away from all the atrocities committed by Mael. "This— the garden, why bring me here?" Mael demanded as he looked at Ben who had a smile on his face. "I wanted to enjoy a moment with you before I lost you, this isn't easy for me as you might assume Mael, once I loved you, and now I have lost you, so dont blame me for wanting a moment to remember when you weren't tainted by blood and evil." Ben explained as he looked to the garden of flowers Mael and himself fell in love, for the first time Mael accepted him.

"Sentimentality won't stop what's coming?" Mael replied as he sat down next to Ben, the marble bench materialized itself right at their spot. "I know, but this moment could last a little bit longer." Ben replied as he ran his fingers through the angel's hair. "You need a haircut." He mused and Mael chuckled. "You always say that, even when I trim it down." Mael argued as he always did and it made both Ben and himself chuckle. "So you won't cut it, what will you do when they see the king with unruly curls." Ben teased as Mael placed his head on his lap, he always did that, uncaring of what others would say. "They won't dare tell me, they fear my mate too much as he does breathe fire." The angel jabbed back causing a cacophony of laughter to envelope the garden made of memories they were in. "Hey, that was one time." Ben protested as Mael kept laughing. "You still did it, and they never forgot the dragon." He added as Ben smacked his shoulder. "I'll get you for that." Ben grumbled and Mael nodded. "I look forward to it." He replied as Mael closed his eyes, as if he was finally at peace.

"Will you be okay?" Ben asked as the garden was slowly fading. "I will be alright my love, if only we could have this moment for eternity and forget the world." Mael whispered as his eyes fully shut. "If only Mael, I love you—." Ben softly whispered as golden light flooded the memory. "I love you— sakura." Mael whispered back, he'd always called him that, his sakura, his flower.

When the two —angel and witch were brought back out of the memory, Mael smiled toward Ben as he closed his eyes once more and black tendrils grabbed him pulled him into the prison he had opened, right then, Ben knew, the monster was coming.


I think Ben and Mael deserved that, even if he were a monster in the end, he was an angel in the beginning.

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Saint Jay

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