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"But sugar plum, he's the one who starts the fight." Hayes whined as Ben told him not to fight with Alarion or he wouldn't cook his favourite for him.

"Fine, but just so you know I don't care who starts or ends the fights, we can't battle each other constantly, knowing Mael is out there planning something." Hayes groaned at the mention of Mael.

"I'm right here, all of me is yours, see." Ben exclaimed making the demon mark on his body visible. "Fine." The demon grumbled lowly and captured Ben's mouth in a kiss.

They pull apart for air, with Ben more flushed than before. Hayes pulls Ben toward him again began the heated kiss. Kyra and Robin walk in to find them kissing and Kyra shook his head in disbelief.

Ben pulled away again embarrassed to see Robin and Kyra there. "Are you trying to get me pregnant?" Ben quirks a brow. "Maybe." The demon mumbles. "At this rate, you might already be pregnant." Robin asserts glaring at Hayes.

"Don't be so overprotective Robin, if he was, we would know and he's taking his pill again." Kyra rolled his eyes and walks toward the couple who had been kissing.

"We were bored, everyone is partying or just lazy, we decided to hang out with you guys." The curly headed witch spoke and Ben was happy to have the company. "We were planning on going to the Neo realm, I wanted to know more about them." Hayes replied Kyra with a smirk.

"We are coming too, I miss Vision." The vampire spoke up from behind his mate. "I think we have two more guests wanting to go with." Ben chuckled looking at the door after the lift dinged outside.

"You're here too." Devin and Paige announced walking into the penthouse. "Yeah these two are fun to hang out with." Hayes nods to Devin and Paige. "It's fine the more the merrier, I kind of need the help anyway." Ben opened the black portal to the Neo realm for them.

"Road trip, yay." Hayes rolled his eyes because of the excitement rolling off the siren. "Did you grab a few bottles we're gonna need them." Robin asserted and Hayes waved his hand making the food and alcohol Ben had packed for him appear.

"Got it." The demon and vampire walk into the portal to find themselves in a dimension they never thought existed. Lush green forests spread across the vast plain as far as the eye could see. The buildings blended well with the forest.

Robin gasps watching the beasts train intensely. "Wicked." All five mystics besides Ben exclaimed making the witch chuckle. "You get used to it." The witch adds.

"So only you have exclusive domain into this realm." Ben nods toward Kyra who had asked. "Its so full of life and energy, the mana flow is incredible here." Paige could feel the pure and untapped energy brimming in the realm they were in.

"That's because I don't use the energy here, I save it for the neos to heal when injured." They all nod and began following Ben to the nursery. "I'm sure Vision is at his home, let's go to the nursery in the meantime." The witch announced leading them all to the nursery.

Devin was fascinated by the realm they were in, all manner of beasts walked the paths, he never thought the neo beasts would have an advancement in technology at all, yet their world was spotless. "It's beautiful here." The phantom mumbled.

"It is." Drac the ten foot Neo replied Devin making him jump as he was startled. "Drac I told you not to do that." The beast looked sullen like a child being scolded. "Sorry father, sorry Devin." Drac made all six mystics chuckle as Hayes had reprimanded Drac.

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