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Witches Dorm.

"Well we have a problem bitch, the shifters are attacking and the barrier is almost down." Why is he so loud, I know we're being attacked.

"Corey I know we're being attacked, so stop being so damn loud jeez." Kyra was trying to concentrate on putting up a stronger barrier over their building.

"Et meno vatum silian." Powerful magic was released over the building, the tingle of electricity could be felt in the air, it was one of Kyra's core abilities. Corey stood there amazed he himself could not replicate stronger spells.

"Will that keep them out?." Corey asks anxious because he didn't want to fight the shifters, it was too dangerous. Kyra shrugs "For now it will."

Wait for now?

"What the fuck do you mean by for now?" Kyra just rolled his eyes and walked toward the door. He and Corey went straight to Ben's dorm room. It was locked. It meant he was with Hayes yet again.

"He isn't claimed yet and has no mark why does he keep hanging around Hayes anyway." Kyra was confused by this sudden change in anything concerning the demon. Most would run from away from Hayes but Benji kept getting closer to the demon as days go by.

"Arent you looking mighty fine Kyra, where is the little witch I want him." Tate stood there in front of Kyra and Corey. I guess he endured the pain of my barrier. Alphas are stubborn indeed.

"He's not here lover boy." Corey replied as Tate snarls, the witch cowers away. "I would prefer if you don't gut him, little Ben isn't here maybe he's still at school." Kyra was now trying to calm the shifter down, much like Robin he knew the shifter had a temperament which on scale was hard to douse out.

"Oh that's good then, he won't get hurt." Tate shifts into a large wolf standing on its hind legs. It attacks and Kyra ports away leaving Corey to get hit by the claws and get thrown onto the wall knocking him out.

Lightning came from above as Kyra attacked Tate. "Vatoum philia aquas." A wave of water appeared from nowhere pushing the shifter back. Kyra released a current of electricity to the water but Tate had planned for it, his body became adaptable to the electric water.

When the water dissipated he stood there unfazed. "That all you got?" Kyra smirked. "I'm just getting started but first let's clear out some unwanted things."

"I summon thee forth.Samor ent philom." The gathering of clouds outside could be seen outside the building as Kyra summoned lightning. "Now you will know why witches are feared. Electric Current Lightning dance." The clouds outside released massive bolts of lightning any shifter struck would lay unconscious.

" 1st-degree massacre." Kyra spoke and the shifter looked horrified. "You wouldn't dare use that spell ever again." Tate warned Kyra. The last time the boy had used his power to that extent he almost killed half the school population.

"Try me, Tate." The bolts from the previous attack were still laying waste to the shifters outside. To those far off it would seem like a pretty light show. Those near would see it was death by electrocution.

"Kyra stop!!, you're killing them. We'll leave." Kyra was not convinced by Paige as he came to Tates rescue. A hum from behind him confirmed it. "Vapor constriction." The air became dense the oxygen being sucked out of any living being near Kyra. "Paige you don't pick a losing side." The siren behind Kyra along with Paige and Tate were now gasping for air.

"Philiam mas et meno. " A maelstrom appeared carrying all three out from inside the recked dorm entrance. Swift and quickly never underestimate siren or shifter.

"I will be back Kyra!" Tate yelled as he ran off into the night. Corey was now awake and standing beside Kyra. "Next time go a little less with the water and electrocution I almost got fried." The blonde boy complained.

"A simple thank you for saving me from the shifter who knocked my ass out in one motion could be nice." Ungrateful cock sucking slut always has complaints.

The two go to their own dorms as the lobby starts self-repairing.

Halwright GreatHall

Hayes was pacing around the outside the hall. "Find him now!!" He orders his minions to find Ben. His little witch was nowhere to be seen and he had heard also seen the defeat Tate had faced. "Tate got his ass handed to him." Luther stood there beside Hayes as he had now calmed down.

It was futile to attack the witches. They would never stand a chance against Kyra. Its why the witches don't challenge him.

"What is it you want Luther?" The wraith sighed. "Oh nothing just waiting to see what you'll do to Lucian right about now." Hayes turned to face Luther. "What do you mean?"

"Hayes help Lucian used his cage to stop me from getting out the hall, east entrance."

The demon immediately flew off toward the east entrance of the hall. There Lucian had his dragon cage holding Ben inside the hall.

"What do you want? He is mine!!" The demons anger grew as minutes passed. He couldn't help the anger because Lucian had his mate and Ben had chosen not to use his powers making him vulnerable, yet somehow in that mix, he liked the fact that Ben called him for help, more so through the link they shared.

"He has no mark spawn, he's fair game!" Hayes settled down on the ground his pitch-black wings tucked safely behind him. "Why is it that you and Tate want your asses handed to you on the same day, have a little shame hatchling." Hayes was taunting the dragon.

"Dark Circle Lucifers Hold." Black chains sprout from the ground, constricting and burning the dragon. "Ah son of a bitch let me go!!" The dragons cage was undone. "Ignus et." Ben increased the intensity of the burn, the dragon could feel it deep within as he fell unconscious.

"You two are really meant for each other, instead of being the water to quench the already raging fire you're like a never-ending supply of fuel to it." Luther stood there amused as Ben ran to Hayes and threw himself to the demon.

"Are you hurt?." The demon was checking everywhere. His subordinates stood there amazed by how such a small thing had control over the strongest demon in school. Some envied Ben, others grateful because their supreme was not as harsh now because of the witch.

Ben slapped Hayes hand away from checking underneath his shirt. "I'm fine Hayes." Luther and the demons stood their eyes wide no one dared to do what Ben did. "Ah what was that for." Hayes stood there shocking them even more by his reaction.

What the fuck is going on, he would've attacked any supernatural who did that to him. Is this little witch different? He has no mark so how?.

Luther was going through all possible explanations but no answer led him to any sort of concrete verdict.

"You're all dismissed, someone has to get punished." Hayes flew off with Ben yet again. This time Ben was nervous about his punishment, not the flight. What the hell is he going to do?

They arrived back at penthouse Hayes called home and as usual, Ben was dragged to the kitchen. "Why am I always cooking?" He whined. "Would you rather be riding my cock instead?" The witch sighed and got to work.

"I made steak and mashed potatoes. Apple pie for dessert." Ben announced whilst serving for the larger male in the room. He was getting used to the dominating and powerful aura the creature exuded. "Why don't you just move in and I can get to enjoy these meals every day." Ben scoffed. Relinquish the last of my Freedom please bitch.

"Maybe someday." He replied smiling. " Why didn't you siphon Lucian you could've easily taken him down so why didn't you?." Hayes inquired.

I guess it's time for a history lesson.



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