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The Drums Of War.


"Will he be alright?" Deor asked Ben who was working on creating the antidote for the blood curse, he couldn't really say at this point without Kyra actually finding out what the curse placed on the headmaster was. "Right now, all I can do is get rid of the first curse, the second one will need more than ingredients." Ben replied as he grabbed the mortal and pestle, crushed the leaves and roots inside before adding the ferns and drops of widows wail to the mixture which frothed as he added more ingredients. "Why would he be forced to use his forbidden power?" Ben questioned as Wyne and Devin looked to each other then to Ben. "I'm on it, I'll see if I can find anything in his office." Devin exclaimed before he vanished. "I also have an idea, I will go look into it." Wyne asserted before he walked out of the workroom. "Solceda vilago nakthu te." He cast the spell over his healing solution just as he poured Hayes's blood and his own into the mixture.

"Impressive, demon blood is the opposite to angel blood, and depending on how strong the demon is, it can be used to cure angelic blood curses, but with the right alchemical mixture and witch." Deor stated fascinated as she watched Ben work, the witch smirked before he turned to the headmaster who was fighting for his life in the pod, he waved his hand over the glass making it clearer, a bit of the solution was drained away leaving the man's upper body free to inject the cure and Ben did so with haste, Kyra appeared in the room with a smile, Ben knew right then that he had found the wording but there was also something else. "I did it but hit a snag, it's a failsafe in the curse itself, if we actually break it, then it will find a new host in his bloodline." Kyra explained making the professor in the room gasp in shock. "No, his son." Deor immediately exclaimed and Ben knew they had to find a way. "Alternatives?" Ben questioned as Lario showed up in the room. "Mortem ve cursio nagtu." Lario mumbled in suggestion. "Yes, killing the curse rather than breaking it would work, but we need a dark object imbued with necromancer magic for that." Ben explained as the three of them fell into a silence.

Then Deor spoke up. "I know where to find one, the school's hidden archive, it contains every dark object that couldn't be destroyed, let me go find one with your specification." The professor announced, before the witches could say anything she was gone. "Is it me —or?" Ben whispered and the two other witches chuckled at his words. "Not just you, let's wait for her as I show you the curse." Kyra exclaimed as they turned around to face the headmaster but the moment they did Ben felt his whole being breaking in two. "Hayes!" He called out as the pain radiated all over his body, as the demon barged into the workroom he fell to his knees, the pain Ben felt had transferred to him. "Kyra!" Lario yelled as he made his way to the witch who was now wheezing on the ground in pain he couldn't describe, it felt as if the world was shaking, trembling with immense pressure from whatever was happening but none of them knew what. And as it came, it vanished, but Ben knew, Kyra knew aswell. "No he didn't, he couldn't have." Ben whispered as Hayes embraced him, he couldn't believe what he felt, what his magic allowed him to see.

"What was that?" Lario demanded as he helped Kyra to his feet, he seemed fine compared to his previous fall. Ben quickly shot to his feet and held  out his hand toward the headmaster, magic pulsed over the man in a golden hue, as the witch pulled his hand back, Ben had placed some of the pieces together. "He's trying to get him out of his prison, I found traces of Mael's power on the headmaster, I'm sure he's the one who forced him to use his power." Ben explained as he looked at Kyra's horrified face. "After all the carnage he's brought onto our family, the demons, why would he even try to do this." Kyra whispered clutching onto his own body for any comfort, Ben had no idea why Mael would do this, why even go through the trouble, his prison was made not to be opened, it would take power from a source like the school in it's entirety to open the prison, so why. "Guys what are you talking about?" Lario demanded as the four commanding neo beasts Ol, Verity, Vision and Drac appeared and changed form, being absorbed into Ben. "We will discuss this later, Kyra let's heal the headmaster and fimd a way to deal with Mael." Ben asserted as Hayes took him by his shoulders.

"I need to make sure the school is safe and gather the supremes, we need to figure this out, and I need to get our son into the neo beast dimension." Hayes exclaimed before a pressing a kiss on his witch's forehead. "Alright, I'll join you once I'm done." Ben assured the demon before trying to fully hug his large body, when they parted he headed for the door. "We'll be okay right?" Kyra asked Ben who smiled with a nod toward his best friend, they would be fine, he would do anything to make sure they were fine. Lario on the other hand was still in the dark, he went to ask Ben but the witch merely waved his hand and golden energy hit Lario knocking him out and taking him on a journey to learn about a past well forgotten by mostly everyone, just not the witch and demon royal houses, maybe the others knew he didn't know, but saving the headmaster took precedence.

After a few minutes Deor appeared in the room with the object, an urn filled to the brim with dark green almost black fog. Necromancer mana wasn't exactly pleasant but it did the job, he and Kyra got to work, even though they had been shaken by the warning, they had to save the headmaster, after a ritual that literally drained them of mana, the headmaster's second curse was dragged out of him in a dark blueish fog that was immediately absorbed by the urn which Ben set on fire with his golden flames, Kyra followed suit as blue flames were unleashed on the urn eating away anything that remained of it or it's many curses held within. The candles in the workroom flared one last time before the two witches slumped to their knees. "That, was not something I wanna do again." Kyra chortled as Deor now stood by the headmaster's pod, his body was recovering quickly but it would take some time before he woke up.

"Thank you, thank you both." The professor thanked the two witches profusely before leaving, citing she had arrangements to make since the headmaster was incapacitated. Lario gasped back to the land of the awake, his eyes seemed strangely haunted as he looked at Ben them Kyra. "That, was intense, and you're telling me he might be broken out, by Mael no less." He rambled on as Ben nodded to everything before he shrugged. "What will you do, he's immortal?" Lario questioned and Ben, truly had no idea how to kill an immortal mystic, it was never done before and he doubted he'd be the first to find a way. Before he could answer Kyra called out to the two of them. "Carter is looking for his mate and Ben, Hayes needs us at the council hall, they found out something." The witch explained with a sigh and Ben nodded, he held out his hand for Kyra as Lario took his other one, a neo beast was mentally summoned into the workroom by Ben's will. "Guard the headmaster." He told the beast before the three of them vanished and appeared in the council hall, here they would plan the way forward, or they were all in danger, because whatever Mael was planning it was aimed at them.


How do you like me now :)

Saint da Jay

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