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Halwright Great Hall.

The vampire walked diligently, intent on delivering what he had learned in the night when his superior had not been around. It was information that could cause an uproar in the school.

He entered the great hall. Angels and fae flew around in a flurry to get to tables, the shifters, as usual, were a cliquey bunch who were, as usual, anti-social and paranoid. The sirens and ghosts glared at each other from different points in the hall. The vampires and fae were words and speed away from killing each other. This was hell.

The vampire walked to his superior. "Sir I have a bit of news.." Robin nodded and stood up, he led his subordinate outside where the others could not overhear. The shifters and sirens had a habit of sticking their fingers in situations that had nothing to do with them.

I hope this is good.

"It seems the Incubus faction leader plans on attacking the demons, he wants revenge because of the humiliating defeat he suffered. " Robin scoffed and fixed the cufflinks on his wrists. "They don't stand a chance." It was stupid for the incubus faction to attack the demons they mostly had the same powers but demons were by far stronger.

"He intends on taking the claimed mate of Hayes and handing him over to Lucian of the dragons, So Lucian is helping him." This was now concerning for Robin, If Lucian was going to attack the demons Theo would be on Hayes's side, and since Kyra was keeping tabs on the new witch he would join in too.

Kyra is bull-headed I won't be able to stop him, I have to prevent this war. My mate won't get hurt. I won't fail in protecting him.

"Find Hayes inform him of the situation, and find Kyra tell him to meet me at the rooftop of the library." The vampire nods and walks off.

"If they fight, we all know Hayes won't hesitate to kill for his so-called mate, who apparently has not died yet, has the mark been tested? And also that boy.." Devin grimaced. "Has caused more trouble than Theo and Carter combined in just a week of being here now at 3 weeks in here he has a kidnapping attempt." The Phantom shook his head.

"Dear Devin, find out if the boy has the mark yet and inform me too, if he's survived we all know how formidable Hayes will become, we need to kill that boy sooner than later." Devin nodded and disappeared.

Robin walked to the library with his minion by his side. Kyra was already there.

"Sir what is it?" Robin did not tolerate disrespect even from Kyra, and Kyra himself had been used to it. Afraid of being rejected and tossed away he had shoved down his pride and accepted being Robins submissive mate.As long as Robin was happy nothing mattered.

Did I do something wrong? Why did he call me up here? What the fuck is going on?

The witch was visibly anxious standing still on the roof was impossible. His hands were now overly moist with sweat and he couldn't help the increase in his heartbeat.

"Calm down Kyra, you didn't do anything wrong." Kyra's brows loosened and he sighed but he was still nervous. "You're not going to participate in the protection of the mate Hayes chose. I know he's a witch but the other leaders are targeting him and I don't want you getting hurt because you protected some little cunt." Robins's voice was low and domineering. Kyra flinched when he was ordered.

"He is a witch, and I must protect my own, if I leave him to suffer alone what kind of a leader am I?" 

He may not deserve it but I protect my own that's why I lead the witches.No one looks out for us.

"I knew you would argue and you're right. Find out everything about the boy and tell me, I will deal with him myself and no one has to know." I will have to get my hands dirty. I cannot let Kyra face Hayes so I will kill the little bitch before he marks him.

"I will find out everything and inform you."

                    Halwright Demon Dorm

"Did you really have to drag me here? On a perfectly good day to cook for you? When did I sign up to be your chef bastard." Ben was infuriated because Hayes dragged him all the way to the demon dorm after his last class. The little witch had now become acquainted with Halwright, he avoided the faction leaders and no one knew he was Hayes's mate.No one knew except Theo.

He stood by the now-familiar stove, cooking for the demon who threatened to lock him up if he didn't cook for him.

"Babe, why do you argue? You love cooking for me." He smirked. "Asking is an option you know." The two were now civil with each other because the mark was slowly taking root in Ben, he was accepting it.

"Where is the fun in that little one." Ben rolled his eyes as Hayes hugged him from behind. Ben did not protest he loved the sense of protection Hayes brought in that gesture. Though he wouldn't admit it to the mommy fucking bitch.

Hayes lifts Bens shirt and inspects his claims body. His skin was covered in the black demon marks. They looked like tattoos to the human eye but to a supernatural the golden glow was visible and to other demons it was a sign, telling them to keep away and protect Ben with their lives. Ben had hidden the mark with magic.

"It seems it really is true, you've claimed a little twink, 5'7? I thought you liked them bigger." A tall Arabic looking male stood by the door. Hayes had put a protective arm around Ben. "Hello Luther, doing an errand for Devin?" The faction leaders know if Devin sent Luther.

Luther was a wraith level ghost, he was strong but Devin was stronger making him the right-hand man for Devin and the second in command of the ghosts. Ben had learned all there was to the leaders and their second hands. He had put protection magic in the penthouse and his own dorm room. He wanted to be safe at all times because somehow Hayes was paranoid.

"The faction leaders want the little puppy dead, thought you should know, be careful Hayes. I'm sorry but you know I have to report to Devin that the little twinkie is alive but I can omit the truth about the full demon mark on him." Luther and Hayes were close friends and Luther always looked out for Hayes. He had an agreement with Hayes to maintain his post as second hand as long as Luther fed him information.

"Thank you, Luther, next time I advise you to knock the effects of magic can be deadly." The wraith stumbled a bit materializing and dematerializing over and over until Ben swiped his hands.

"Already powerful huh." The wraith smiled and disappeared. "You're a mean little bitch aren't you." Ben blushed and went back to cooking. He was stuck between hating this demon and loving him. Resistance was dwindling.

With the threat already Ben's life he might as well reveal his power. I have to protect him at all costs until he's ready to come out of his own shell and he came properly utilize the mark.

The downside of demon marks once complete was the hike in power, Hayes feared Ben might lose control because his power level was on par with his own maybe more and he was one of the 5 strongest leaders in the school.

He had to help Ben control or the school would suffer.



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