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"I am Devin of the ghosts, don't forget that mother." Devin warned his mother as they stood in the study park, everyone had scattered away to avoid the battle that was about to take place, the phantom queen had her armour already on and her suffocating waves of royal power poured everywhere.

"And I'm your mother Devin, you will listen to me and listen well, I told you that you will change schools and go to a school that's not on the brink of a disaster, where everyone sends their unloved children, I love you son, and I won't let you as your mother stay here." She hissed back and Devin chuckled. "Why send me here in the first place?" Devin answered calmly as his ghost form took hold.

He was no longer tangible, and his mother gasped as he transformed, she hadn't expected to see it, the beauty and the power, she had to remove her son from this place to nurture that power in a way he would be able to control. "Don't fret mother, I've had years to master my power, after all, you were the one who dumped me here for dead." Devin asserted and his mother was even more so baffled, Devin was angry, he didn't deserve to be tossed aside like trash but he was, by his own mother.

Any intention she had now good or bad didn't matter anymore, she had lost her right to be a mother in any way to him, so he was going to show her what he accomplished without her. "Phantom transformation:Second Saber." Devin mumbled as he fully transformed, his usually dark eyes had no whites to them, his body was draped in a cloak, and underneath that cloak was a knights amour shining through, around him nine spheres spiraled each with a power he could control.

His mother stood there with her jaw hanging loose, Devin was the king in every right but she had taken that from him. "Focus mother." Devin whispered as a kick registered on the queen's body, it threw her away in an instant, trees broke from the impact of her body, all across the study park. She landed on her feet and stood in an attack stance, her own son was fighting her, her flesh and blood, but she knew she deserved his hatred and anger. "Come!" She ordered and Devin did attack, from behind her.

In a split second, she was thrown away again, toward the training field, not wanting to wait the two lunged for each other in close combat, no one could see them move, they saw the remains of their fists clashing in the air, several explosions erupted on the training field, as the two pushed each other back. "Volatile Void." The queen cast and Devin was angered, he pulled out a sword made of pure light and sliced through the void. "That won't work, Upheaval." He replied and the ground broke under the queen's feet, lava spewed from it and burnt her.

"You've been learning eh." She mused with sparkling eyes. "Dark Increment." She cast as a wave of pure madness was shot at Devin, the ghost smiled looking at his mother, she was finally getting serious, he waved his hand and her attack faded away before it even got near him. "You're so much stronger than this mother." He confessed and it took the Queen of the ghosts by surprise, he had managed to erase her attack with a simple wave of his hand. "As always you're right." She conceded landing a blow on Devin that cracked his armour but did not push him back.

He spun around and roundhouse kicked the woman, she spun back just as arrows made of pure light were released from Devin's palm, he watched his mother struggle to stop them but eventually, she did. "You're more powerful than the boy I let take the throne." The queen finally expressed knowing it was true, Devin had just proved that fact to her in a simple battle. "And yet you don't want the throne, why Devin?" She demanded. "Because mom, I want peace, we are outcasts, our thrones were taken from us and so did our ambition to rule." Devin argued looking at his mother.

He wanted her to understand that he no longer wanted to be king because his life would be boring, it wouldn't have peace, he wouldn't be happy, he would rather let those who are eager to rule, rule and see if they survived it, you simply didn't become a good and powerful king because of a right you're given, it takes a lot more than that, and one of those important aspects was losing kindness for those who weren't your kind, and with what he had experienced in this year alone, he didn't want to lose his kindness.

"You're wrong Devin, you can make peace as king, thrive in all the chaos." She argued but to Devin it was wrong. "There will always be chaos mother, nature is a balanced scale, there is chaos and then there is peace, one cannot exist without the other, it's simply not possible." Devin defended as his power rolled back in, a neo beast appeared by his side. "I see, but please consider my offer, Halwright is a hotbed of chaos and monarchical disputes, do you really believe you'll be alright here?" She argued as her own phantom form vanished.

"I have everything I've ever needed here mom, a mate, great friends, and a place I truly belong, we're all the same here and I wouldn't want it any other way because leaving Halwright before I graduate, would be a mistake, and also mother understand that I wasn't cut out to rule anyway, my older brother is much more suited." Devin smiled toward his mother who responded with her own smile.

"I understand Devin, I will talk to the nobles and hopefully they'll be off your back, stay safe child, and I'm sorry for leaving you here, I had no choice, it's the only place where they wouldn't have killed you." The queen stated as she vanished from where she stood. "I know mom." He mumbled as he turned to the neo beast who had repaired the damage he and his mother had caused. "Thank you Aze." Devin muttered as he held on to the palm of the large beast. "A pleasure Master Devin." The two vanished from the training field as well.


"I couldn't care less about the throne, when my second form was uncontrolled you tossed me out of our home like I was trash, you didn't love me, now you come here pretending to know me and love me because you want me back in your damned family, well too bad dad, I could care less about you all!" Carter yelled as his father's aura bared down on him but he didn't move. "Listen to me, you insolent little brat, I'm your father, and I dictate your life, and as your king, I'm telling you that will come back home and continue your education there." The wendigo king ordered but Carter scoffed, he was angry but that never diminished his beauty.

"No." He replied shocking the king. "Now get out of my home." He added and his father moved faster than sound to slap him but when he felt impact an iron wing had blocked it. "I'm not the boy you abused father, I'm not the little brat you tossed away, I'm my own man, my own person, and I told you I'm not going, you come here now proclaiming to be my father, where was your proclamation when my mother was killed, where was your proclamation when I was hunted down by the nobles, where was proclamation when your son almost raped me!" Carter yelled and power burst from him shattering everything around him and throwing the man who was his father away.

"I hate you with everything fibre of my being, you're not even worth being called father by me." Carter hissed as his iron wings vanished from his body leaving a shocked disoriented king. "How are you this —." He mumbled. "I grew up in hell, I was hunted, I was abused, then I was sent here, to the one place any person would fight to survive and I did." Carter replied as his aura spilled, it rivaled the king himself. "You want me back to your home because you want a pureblood heir, and with my abilities along with your son's, we would make the perfect child for you." Carter spoke as his power skyrocketed.

"That's the plan kiddo, and you're going to do it." The king proudly stated, but regretted it as sharpened bone like shards appeared on the floor and impaled him. "Not so brave now father, I could kill you and feed on your flesh, but why would I taint myself with your filth." He retorted as his father struggled to leave the hold of the bone shards. "You've grown up Carter, I'm impressed." The king complimented. "And also with a mate, sorry your highness but I don't do inbreeding and much less for your benefit." The wendigo added as a neo beast appeared.

"Watch your back, Carter!" The king yelled. "You will do what I want!" He added in his fury. "No I won't, and I'm always watching my back, maybe the one who should be watching his, is you, your son does intend on killing you after all." Carter smiled as he saw the horror on the king's face, he picked up his bag and vanished with the neo beast by his side.

As the king finally got free another person appeared in the room. "Why are you here Kal?" He questioned and before he could react Kal snapped his neck. "To kill you, dear dad."



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